Lucifer's Day 2

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I wake up with Lucifer sleeping beside me. I will still a six year old girl. I grip Luci to my chest. I try to move to on my back without waking up Lucifer.

*Lucifer*MC, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare? Don't worry, I got you.

I look at him. He said that all in his sleep. I had an idea.

I wiggle myself out from Lucifer's arm. I then started to jump on his bed.

*MC*Time to wake up, Lucifer!

He shot right up.

*Lucifer*MC, stop jumping right now. I'm up.

I did as I was told.

*Lucifer*MC, come over here. Do you know what time it is?

I shook my head in his arm.

*Lucifer*It's 3 in the morning. What are you doing awake?

I shurgged my shoulders. I don't why I was up either.

*Lucifer*Try and go back to sleep. I talked to Lord Diavolo about this. He said that we can still take you to RAD, but me or one my brothers have to be with you the whole day.

*MC*I'm nervous going to school.

*Lucifer*Why is that?

*MC*Everyone is gonna laugh at me because I got turned into a six year old. Then they are gonna laugh at you and your brothers because y'all have to take care of me.

Lucifer holds me close.

*Lucifer*No one is going to laugh at you. I will make sure of that.

I hugged Lucifer as a thank you.

*Lucifer*Let's go back to sleep now.

I shake my head. I was wide awake.

*MC*I can't sleep. I'm wide awake. I want to play.

*Lucifer*I don't think so, baby girl.

Lucifer gets out of bed. And sets me in the crook of his arm. He grabs my sippy cup.

He carries me to the kitchen. He sets me on the counter. Then washes my sippy cup.

*Lucifer*Are you hungry? Do you want snack?

I nod my head. He looks in the fridge, trying to find a snack for me.

*Beel*Lucifer, what are you doing here?

*Lucifer*Oh Beel. I'm just trying to find MC a snack so she can go back to sleep.

*Beel*Give her some hellberry yogurt. She loves that stuff.

Lucifer nods his head and grabs a hellberry yogurt and a spoon.

He picks me up and brings me to the dining room. He sits down in his chair with me in his lap. He opens the yogurt and feeds it to me.


*Lucifer*That will never get old. And it seems to get cuter and cuter.

I giggle and eat another bite of yogurt.

*Beel*Look how cute she is. She looks a tasty snack.

Wait. Did he say tasty snack?!! I hold to Lucifer and Luci.

*Beel*Oh I'm sorry, MC. I didn't mean that I was going to eat you. I'm sorry.

I look at Beel.

*MC*It's okay Beel.

He gives me a smile and walks back to his room.

Lucifer continues to feed me the yogurt. He then takes me to the kitchen and cleans my face off. Then he pours some demon's milk in my sippy cup. He then picks me up off the counter and carries me to his room.

He puts me back down on the bed.

*Lucifer*Drink your milk and give me your cup when your done.

I nod my head and start drinking the milk. I got halfway done when I started to yawn.

I gave Lucifer my cup and layed down beside him.

He layed down on his back and turned off the lamp. He didn't put an arm around me, so I layed there awake. I then decide to do what the older MC would never do.

I climb onto Lucifer and layed down on him.

*Lucifer*You want to layed down on my chest?

I nod my head. I hold Luci tight in my arms.

Lucifer put one arm across my back so I don't fall off of him. My head was on his chest and I could hear his steady heart beat. The sound of it calmed me down. I soon felt dowrsy.

*MC*Night night.

Lucifer kissed the top of my head.

*Lucifer*Good night, baby girl. Have sweet dreams.

I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his heart beat. I soon fell asleep.

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