When Y'all Sleep Together

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  You were wondering what Lucifer was up to. So, you went to his room. Before you could knock on the door, Lucifer spoke from behind you.
*MC*Lucifer, I was just going to see what you were doing.
*Lucifer*MC, you shouldn't be up this late.
*MC*Sorry. I just can't sleep.
Lucifer grab your hand on pulled you inside of his room.
*Lucifer*Go lay down on my bed. I will be there in a minute.
You did as you were told.  Soon, Lucifer came into bed with you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. You felt warm and safe. Then you went fast asleep.

  Ever since you and Mammon have started dating, he would always have you around him. He even made you sleep in his bed or he will sleep with you in your room. At night, it gets really cold at Devildom. So, Mammon cuddles you to keep you warm. You were very thrilled that Mammon does this for you. You always bury your head in his chest while he rubs your head or your back.

  He gets a little to embrassed at the thought of holding you while you sleep. Sometimes you fall asleep while you and Levi were hanging out.
He would carry you bridal style to his bed. You get cold real easily. Levi would notice and cuddle you. You felt so warm being with your favortie otaku.

  Satan was so in love with you that he never leaves your side. Only when he really needs to leave your side. But he has never spent the night in your room. You got cold during the night so you went to Satan's room. Sure enough he was up and reading a book. You knock on the door and he opened it up and pulled you inside of his room.
*Satan*What are you doing up so late? I thought you were asleep.
*MC*I was getting cold. I don't like being cold when I sleep.
Satan then pulled you in his embrace. He kissed the top of your head and carried you to his bed and cuddle you until you fell asleep.

  Asmo loves to cuddle you to sleep. In bed he will rub your tummy. Rub your back. Pat your head. He will do it all just to help you sleep.

  Beel loves it when you give him food. In return he cuddles you to sleep. He knows how you dislike being cold at night when you sleep. On the very cold nights(which was most nights) he would cuddle you. He will hug you from behind, or have you bury your head in his chest, or he will place you onto him and hold you that way. He will do everything so you won't be so sleepy like his twin.

  Belphie loves to sleep. He loves it even more when he gets to cuddle with you. You and him take naps together all the time. He will pull you close and hold you like someone was going to pry his arms to take you away from him. You love his overprotective side. It makes you feel safe and warm just being in his embrace.

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