Belphie's Day

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I wake up. My face was buried in Belphie's chest. One of his hands was at the back of my head. The other was on my back.

Mammon slamed my door open.

Beel shot up. I did as well. That made Belphie lift his head up.

*Mammon*Time to get your butts up. After breakfest, we have places to go.

Belphie groaned and layed back down. He pulled me down with him. I close my eyes. I was so warm.

*Beel*Mammon is right. We have to help Diavolo with the festival.

*Belphie*I could care less about Diavolo.

I wan to go to a festival. I start shaking Belphie.

*Beel*Even MC is trying to get you up.

Belphie holds to his chest. Trying to prevent to wake him up.

*Belphie*You want to go help festival, cutie?

I nod my head.

*Beel*Let's check if you have a fever.

I sit up with Belphie's arms still around me. Beel puts a hand to my forehead.

He starts to smile real big.

*Beel*Cupcake you don't have a fever!!

Beel jumps out of bed and starts to run.

*Beel*I'm going to tell Lucifer!!

I move from Belphie's arms. Crawling to the edge of the bed. I get off the bed.

*MC*Belphie. Come one.

Belphie groans. He starts to slowly get up.

I walk to the doorway. I feel strong arms from behind me pick me up from under my arms.

Belphie presses my back against his chest. His holding my torso. My legs were hanging and my arms were to.

Why in the world would Belphie pick me up like this!!!!?

We walk out of my room. We ran into Lucifer.

I reach my arms out to him.


I smile big.

*Lucifer*You must feel better because your talking again baby girl.

I nod my head. My arms still reached out to him.

*Lucifer*Belphie you can put her down now. You are carrying her in a werid way. She looks uncomfortable.


Belphie sets me on the floor and I ran up to Lucifer. I grab his leg. I hug his leg with a big smile.

*Lucifer*Baby girl, what are you doing?

I just giggle.

*Belphie*Now that's cute.

*Lucifer*I will have to agree with you there.

Lucifer picks me up from his leg and lets my legs wrap around his torso. My hands were setting on his shoulder.

Lucifer places a hand on my forehead.

*Lucifer*Well Baby girl. Beel was right. You dont have a fever anymore.

*MC*I feel better now. But I'm hungry.

*Lucifer*Well let's go and eat breakfast. Shall we?

I nod my head and reach out for Belphie.

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