When You Get Sick

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  MC is a strong girl. So it shocked me how weak she got when she got sick. She looked really pale. Someone has to take care of her. Since I was her boyfriend, I had to be her care taker. All I have to do is take a leave day for me and MC. All I had to do is call Diavolo. After that, I sat with her. She would whimper a little from the pain.
*MC*Lucifer You really don't have to take care of me. I can take care of myself.
I caress her cheek and say,
*Lucifer*I love you. I will never leave your side.
*MC*Are you not worried about yourself getting sick.
Inkissed her hand and say,
*Lucifer*I don't care. As long as I'm here to take care of you. Nothing will keep me apart from you.
I lean and kissed her. This was what I was going to do. I was going to steal her sickness away.

  I was sleeping in MC's room when she ran out of bed and out of her room. I ran after her. She ran all the way to the bathroom and threw up in the toliet.
*Mammon*Damnit MC. Let me call Lucifer.
I called Lucifer while I was helping keep her hair out the way.
*Lucifer*Mammon if your asking for grimm, you have a whole differnet punishiment coming.
*Mammon*No it's not that. MC is throwing up in the bathroom. I need your help.
*Lucifer*On my way there. Stay with her.
MC continues to throw up. I sat behind her, holding her hair up and rubbing her back. I whispered to her that everything was going to be okay. Lucifer came in and took her temperature. She was sick and I stayed by her side until she was all better.

    Levi, I don't feel so good. I told Lucifer that I will take a leave day.
Are you sick? Let me take care of you!!!
I walked out of my room and ran into Lucifer.
*Lucifer*Leviathan, you will take care of MC today. I will pick up your's and her's assignments for today.
*Levi*Yes. Of course, Lucifer.
I ran all the way to MC's room. I opened the door and she was sound asleep. I sat at her desk chair and watched her sleep. Then I leaned in and whispered in her ear.
*Levi*I will be here when ever you need me the most and when you don't need me at all.
She smiled. I held her hand and ended up falling asleep in the chair.

  We were eating dinner when MC ran to the bathroom. I told the others that I was going to check on her.
*Satan*MC are you - OH MY DIAVOLO!!! LUCIFER!!!!
I hurry to her side and rub her back.
*Lucifer*Satan what's - MC are you sick?!
I help her stand up and clean her off. Then I carried her like she was a small child all the way to her room.
*MC*I'm Sorry that I have to trouble you, Satan.
I put her in her bed and tucked her in.
*Satan*Babe, you are troubling me. I would this every time you get sick.
I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  I know when MC is not feeling good. Her skin turns paler then pale. And she doesn't want to do anything with me. I have asked Lucifer how to take care of her. He told me and said that I really have changed for MC. I used not get dirty, afarid that my beautiful face would be ruined. Then MC came along. If one of my brothers were sick, I would stay away from them. But with her, I can't sit around and do nothing. MC is my lover and she is the only one who can make my life complete. So took Lucifer's advice on how to take care of MC. And then I spend the rest of the day with her and taking care of her.

  I with MC in her room watching a movie. We were watching a horror movie and she kept jumping in my arms when a jump scared came on. I then heard her sneeze. And she kept sneezing. Then she had a coughing fit.
*Beel*MC, are you okay?
*MC*I don't feel to good. I think I'm be catching a cold.
I put my hand to her forehead and to my surprise her forehead buring hot. I tuck her in bed and put a cool wash cloth on her forehead. I told her until she got better I will not leave her side.

  I was sleeping and holding MC. I got uncomfortable because her body was hot as hell. How can a human body burn up like that. MC then woke up coughing. I sat up and patted her back. Once she stopped, I placed my hand on her forehead.
*Belphie*MC, you have a fever! Your sick. Lay back down.
*MC*Belphie, I'm fine. I'm not-
I gently pushed her down back on the bed.
*Belphie*Just listen to me. You need to get better. Just rest. I will take care of you, I promise.
She gave a little smile as a thank you. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

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