Diavolo's Day 2

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After dinner, Lord Diavolo carries me to his room.

*Diavolo*Sweet heart, did you have today?

*MC*I did. Very much.

He smiles at me.

*Diavolo*I'm glad to hear that.

For some reason I start jumpping in circles.

*Diavolo*Is that what you do up in the human world? That looks like alot of fun.

I stop for a minute.

*MC*It does make you dizzy.

I giggle. Making Lord Diavolo chuckle.

*Diavolo*You really are adorable.

*MC*Thank you!!

Lord Diavolo comes closer. And before I knew it, I was being tickled.


I was laughing so hard that it hurt.

*Diavolo*Is that what you call this? I think its very fun.

I keep laughing.

He stops and I can breath a little better.

*Diavolo*I will be taking a shower. I will leave you in hear. I will call Lucifer so you can talk to him until I get back.

I nod my head and he calls Lucifer on his D.D.D.

He puts it on speaker.

*Lucifer*Hello? Do you need something Diavolo?

*MC*Hi Lucifer!!!

*Lucifer*Baby girl what are you doing with Diavolo's D.D.D?

*MC*He called you so you can keep me company while he takes a shower.

*Lucifer*I see. Well in that case, did you have a good day today?

*MC*Yes. I did. Barbatos made us a really yummy dinner. I had lots of fun.

*Lucifer*I'm glad that you are having fun.

*MC*Lucifer, I miss you.

*Lucifer*Well I miss you too baby girl. You will becoming home tomorrow after school. That means it will be my day again.

*MC*And we can play tickle tag like we did last time?

*Lucifer*Of course baby girl. Anything for you. But you should ne getting some sleep. We do have school.

*MC*But I can't sleep. Can you tell me a story or sing me a song.

*Lucifed*I never did this for you before.

*MC*Please Lucifer!!

*Lucifer*First get yourself ready for bed.

*MC*I'm in my pajamas. I got Luci. I'm gonna get under the covers!!

*Lucifer*Good girl.

I turn around and pull the covers. I get underneath them and grab the D.D.D. Then I cover myself up.

*MC*I'm ready. And so is Luci!!

*Lucifer*What kind of story do you want?

*MC*How about a story when yo- Lord Diavolo!!!!

Lord Diavolo comes into his room and gave me a big smile.

*MC*Lucifer!! Lord Diavolo is out of the shower now. Can I still have my story?

*Lucifer*I can hear that. Baby girl, I will leave the story telling to Diavolo tonight.

*MC*Okay. Night night. I love you!!

*Lucifer*Good night baby girl. I love you too.

He hang up. I pick it up and reach it out towards Lord Diavolo.

*Diavolo*I get you to tell you a story. Thats awesome but I don't think I will be needing to use that.

I tilt my head in confusion.

Lord Diavolo chuckles at me and walks to his closet.

*Diavolo*I got you something. You can use it to sleep with tonight and you can bring it hime with you. Its yours.

*MC*Should I close my eyes?

*Diavolo*No. I have it wrapped.

My head still tilted, I gave him a smile.

He brings a bag thats has tissue paper coming out from the top.

The tissue paper was different colors. Blue. Yellow. Orange. Green. Pink. Red. Purple. Black.

Lord Diavolo gives me the bag.

*Diavolo*Go ahead and open it up.

I smile and remove the tissue paper.

I saw some thing white and plump. I took it out.

*MC*I love it!! Thank you Lord Diavolo!!!

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*MC*I love it!! Thank you Lord Diavolo!!!

*Diavolo*Your very welcome.

I gave him a great big hug. He hugs me back but tighter.

I yawn.

*MC*I'm sleepy now.

*Diavolo*I thought you might be.

I rub my eyes.

Lord Diavolo takes the pillow and places it under my head. Iay down right on it.

The pillow was so soft and comfy.

Lord Diavolo lays next to me and turms the lights off. He sets an arm around my waist.

*Diavolo*Good night sweetie heart. I love you.

*MC*Night night Lord Diavolo. I love you too.

I close my eyes and hold Luci. Sleep soon claimed me.

Today is a good day.

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