MC x Demon Brothers

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I wake up in my room. How did I get here? I sit up and get out of bed.

For some reason I feel shorter. Shorter than normal.

I walk to the my door and open it. I walk out. And I went to Lucifer's room.

On my there I saw Satan. He looked way taller than normal.

*MC*Hey Satan.

Werid my voice sounds younger.

*Satan*MC is that you? You look like a child.

*MC*Of cousre its me!! Wait I look like a child?!

Satan picks me up. Me sitting on his hip.

*MC*That might explain why you look taller than normal.

He took me the bathroom. He told me to look in the mirror. I did.

I looked like that I'm six years old. How did this happen?

*MC*We should let Lucifer know. Before he finds out himself.

*Satan*Good idea.

Satan carried me all the way to Lucifer's room. But before we go there we had to get me some better fitting clothes.

We went to my room.

*Satan*Do you have any clothes that might be to small for you?

*MC*No I don't. But I can use one of my fannel shirts as a dress. And I can put on a pair of socks.

I go to my closet and try to get my shirt.

*MC*Satan can you help me please?

Satan walks over and grabs my shirt

I take off the too big for me clothes and put on the flannel.

*MC*Umm...Satan, can you help me button my shirt.

He sighs and starts buttoning my shirt.

He went to my bedside table and got out a pair of socks. He even helped me put thoses on!

*MC*Thank you so much Satan!!

Satan picks me up again with me sitting on his hip.

We got Lucifer's room without the other brothers noticing me.

Satan knocks on the door.

*Lucifer*Come in.

Satan opens the door and walks in. He closes the door.

Lucifer was at his desk working on some paper work. Like always.

*Satan*Something happened to MC.

Lucifer stands up while saying,

*Lucifer*What happened to-

Lucifer stares at me on Satan's hip.

* Lucifer*Is that MC?

Satan nods his head.

*Lucifer*But she looks like a small child. What happened to you, MC?!

*MC*I don't know. I woke up like this.

*Lucifer*Give me MC, Satan.

I grab a hold of Lucifer's neck. He grab my waist. I was now sitting on Lucifer's hip.

*Lucifer*Satan. I want you to get some food cooked for MC. I'm going to tell Mammon something.

*Satan*Do you want me to take care of her while you talk to him?

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