Human World

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I was sleeping when my D.D.D went off. Scaring me half to death, I answer the call.

*Mammon*Hey MC, why didn't pick up faster!? You should not ingore the Great Mammon.

*MC*I was sleeping, but you called and woke up me up. So, do you need?

*Mammon*How about me and you take a trip down to the human world?

*MC*We can't just go through the portal without Lucifer's or Lord Diavolo's permission.

*Mammon*C'mon MC!!! I have a photo shoot up there. And I already have Lord Diavolo's permission.

*MC*But What about our tasks and-

*Mammon*Nope! I ani't taking a no for an answer. You will be coming with me to the human world.

*MC*But Lucifer will get on to on us!!!

*Mammon*Don't worry MC. I got it covered!

There was a knock at my bedroom door.

*Mammon*Hey, MC! How is at your door at this time of night!?

*MC*Sorry, Mammon. But i have to go.

*Mammon*Hey!! Don't hang-

I hang up and open the door. Standing in the doorway was Lucifer.

*MC*Lucifer, do you need something?

He looks at me for a moment then takes a breath.

*Lucifer*May I come in?

I move out the way as saying "Yes. You can."

He walks over and sits on my bed. He pats the spot next to him while looking at me. I walk over and sit down next Lucifer.

*Lucifer*Diavolo told me that Mammon asked if it was okay to go to the human with you.

I stayed quiet.

*Lucifer*MC, do you want to vist the human world?

*MC*I do, but I can't.

I looked at my hands that were in my lap. I startes fidgeting with my fingers.

Lucifer lets out a sigh and puts a hand on my back.

*Lucifer*MC, I am giving you permission to go the human world for a day with my brother Mammon.

Your face lit up.

*MC*You really mean it?!

He nods his head. Then I gave him a great big hug.

*Lucifer*But promise me something.

You not your head really fast.

*Lucifer*You have to come back to Devidom.

*MC*Don't worry, Lucifer. I will always come back.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said thank you. He then walk out of my room.

I picked up my D.D.D and texted Mammon.

Hey, Mammon. Guess what?

What is it, human?

Lucifer gave me permission to go to the human world with you for the day!!!

Really!? That's great!

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