New Member

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*Brothers*You must join Deadly Sins.

I was shocked. I didn't think they would say that.

*MC*You must be joking. I can't join Deadly Sins.

*Lucifer*Well you figure who the band really is. Therefore, you have to join us.

I shake my hand away from Lucifer's. Thank Diavolo that he did not have a very strong grip.

*MC*Why should I?

Lucifer sighs and shakes his head.

*Satan*Just to be honest with you MC, we were planning on telling you that we were Deadly Sins.

*Belphie*But you being as smart as you are, you figured out the truth real quickly.

*Levi*And we wanted you to join us.

I was very dumbfounded. They were planning this.

*Lucifer*Here on now, MC you will be the new member of Deadly Sins.

I nod my head.

*MC*I understand. I will be up in my room.

*Asmo*Not so fast dear MC.

I turn around to face Asmo. He was really close.

*MC*Yes Asmo.

Asmo smirks at me.

*Asmo*Your staying with me tonight. This way you can experience a whole bunch of things.

I felt uncomfortable being alone with Asmo. But like the others, I loved them to death.

*Mammon*There is no way I'm goin' let that happen!

*Beel*Yeah. Asmo you can't have her all to yourself.

*Asmo*Awww. Y'all are no fun.

I didn't notice that Asmo had his hand on my wrist. He had a really good grip on it.

*Asmo*All members should know what a one-

*Lucifer*That's enough Asmo. Let her go.

Asmo wined but he let go of my wrist.

*Lucifer*Good night everyone. Each of you should get a good night's rest. We have a big day again.

*MC*But don't we have to go to RAD tomorrow?

*Satan*We do, but on Thursdays we have to practice for Deadly Sins.

*Mammon*But we aren't making a song right at the moment so we usually do dance practice and stuff like that.

*Levi*But now that you are our new member, we have to teach you the ways of Deadly Sins.

*MC*Okay. That's sounds really confusing but I guess I will just have to get used to it huh.

The brothers nodded.

I yawned then rub my eyes.

*MC*I'm going to head off to bed now. Good night.

*Brothers*Good night.

I walk back to my bedroom. I lay down in my bed. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I knocked out.


I wake up to Mammon shaking me.

*Mammon*Wake up.

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