When You Wear His Hoodie

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  You were in Lucifer's room waiting for to get out of the shower. You grew cold and was too lazy to go to your room and get a hoodie. So you went to Lucifer's closet and see what you could find. You this big blue hoodie. You grab it off the hanger and put it on. The hoodie really big on you, but you didn't mind. You love your hoodies a few sizes to big. You get back into Lucifer's bed and you feel so warm that you fell asleep. You woke up to the sound of the bedroom door opening. You see Lucifer walking inside. He looked at questioning himself why he left you alone in his room.
*Lucifer*Are you wearing my hoodie?
You said that you were cold and you wanted to wear something warm. He than told you to come over towards him. You obeyed him not wanting to make him mad. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you close to him. He than kissed you very passionately. He stopped for both of you to take a breath. He then whispered in your ear.
*Lucifer*Next time just ask or that kiss we just would be going a lot further.
Your face turned to a bright red and Lucifer chuckled.

  Mammon thought it would be a good idea for you to have a movie date. You remember going to the movies in the human world and you grew cold. You thought the Devildom theather would different. Turns out, you were really wrong. To you it felt way colder than the human theaters. You then whispered to Mammon saying that you were cold.
*Mammon*Uhh...do you want to where my jacket?
*MC*Are you sure? You wear that jacket all the time.
*Mammon*If your cold, I want to do everything in my power to keep you warm.
He hands you his jacket and you put it on. You kiss his cheek as a thank you. Even in the dark you can see him blush.

  You were in Levi's room on your D.D.D while he was playing a game. Then you became colds like always. You went over to Levi's closet. He was so focused in his game that he didn't even noctice that you went into his closet. You grab his orange hoodie. You put it on and sat next to Levi who had just won his game. He gave you a hug for a victory prize. He then relized that you were wearing his hoodie.
*Levi*H-how did you get my hoodie without me knowing?
*MC*I You don't mind me wearing it. I was cold.
*Levi*N-no, I don't mind that you wear my clothes. I think you look really cute. If you don't, c-can we take a picture?
You told that you don't mind taking a picture with him. Once Levi took the picture, he made it his home screen wallpaper.

  You and Satan were in his room reading. You started to shiver. Not because you were reading a book called Shiver. Satan looks at you and tells you to come get his jacket. You told him that you wear fine. You then turn on your stomach and went back to reading. Satan then came over to your side and smacked your ads. Your face turn as red as a tomato. He chuckled at you.
*Satan*I was not asking you if you wanted to wear my jacket. I was telling you to wear it.
He smacked your ads again, making you even reder. Satan then put his jacket on top of you and layed next to you. He continued reading his book while you snuggled in his jacket.

  Asmo loved it when you wore his jacket. He thought you looked hot as hell. You put on his signure white jacket when your cold. Everytime he sees you in that jacket, he can't help jumping in your arms and kissing you.

  Everytime you get cold, Beel would give you his jacket. You love his caring side. If his jacket didn't keep you warm enough, he would always hold you. Beel loves it when your happy. He will do anything and everything to ensure there was a smile on your face.

  Most of your time was you spend with Belphie was when you and him were sleeping. Belphie likes to sleep with the room feeling cold. He only does that so he can cuddle you to keep you warm. Sometimes you would get to cold and ask Belphie if you could where his sweater. He usually shakes his no. When he does that he will unbutton it and pull you inside the sweater with him. You would feel so warm and so safe that you always fall fast asleep.

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