When You Have A Nightmare

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You shot right up after you had a very gruesome nightmare. When you did Lucifer asked what was wrong. He lying there asleep, but now he was wide awake.
*MC*Lucifer You can't go. I'm not ready for you to leave me!
*Lucifer*Babe, did you have a nightmare? You can tell me all about it. Just so you know, I will never leave you.

Lucifer's POV
I pulled her close and she cried in my arms. I rud her hair and rocked her. She then was whispering what her nightmare was about. I told her none of it will come true.

I was up counting money. When I heard MC whimper in her sleep. I went over to her and saw that she looked really uncomfortable. I grab her shoulders and shook her to wake her up. When she did her eyes were really big. I asked her if she was okay. All she kept saying was that she was sorry and she didn't want me to leave her.
*Mammon*You had a nightmare, didn't you.
MC nodded her head slowly. I pulled as close as should could go and I tried to comfert her. She slowly stop crying. I kept whispering to her that I loved her and I would never leave her.

Me and MC were laying her bed. I was playing a game on my D.D.D. Then she let out a small whimper. I look over at her but she still looked peaceful. I contiune my game. Then she let out another whimper, this time even louder. With each whimper, it became louder and louder. I woke her up before her whimpers became screams. When she woke up, I looked at her.
*Levi*MC, did you have a nightmare?
She nodded with tears coming down her face. I wiped her tears away and pulled her close. Saying that everything was going to okay. Then I told her a little bit about My Hero Academia to calm her down. I kissed the top of her head and we both went to sleep.

I was lying down in bed watching MC sleep. She then shot right up.
*Satan*Babe, are you okay? What happened? Did you have a nightmare?
She came into my arms and told me what her nightmare was. I held her close saying that no one or anything was going to take me away from her. I ruded her back to calm her down. I whispered her sweet nothings to her to get her back to sleep. I couldn't tell if she was asleep. I didn't want to ask her in case if she was asleep. So I decide to lay down with MC on my chest. I kissed the top of her head and that I loved her.

When I get the chance to sleep with MC, I will get in her as soon as I can. Tonight was way different. She had a nightmare and don't know what to do.
I was thinking that I could rud her back and hold her, but I didn't think that would great enough to calm her down. Then I got this wonderful idea. I placed MC on my lap and rocked her back and forth. Then I sang her a beautiful song that calms anyone's nerves down. She slowly stop crying and fell asleep in my arms. I laid her down and cuddled her.

I went to check on MC after I got something to eat. She was still asleep. I closed her door softly. Then I heard a high but quiet scream coming from her room. I huridley opened her door and went to her side.
*Beel*Hey Cupcake, I'm here no one is going to hurt you. Are you okay? What happened?
*MC*Beel, I'm sorry I made you worried. I was just having a nightmare.
I asked if she wanted talk about it. She shook her head. I layed down beside her and placed her head on my chest. I then told her that nothing was going to harm her as long as I'm there with her.

I wanted to sleep in MC's room tonight. So I went there after she had her shower. I cuddle with her and fell asleep. I woke up to the sounds of whimpers and heavy breathing. I lean towards MC and those sounds were coming from her. She was having a nightmare. I did the only thing I could think of right away. I woke her up and pulled her into my embrace.
*Belphie*Hey I'm here, MC. You don't have to worry.
*MC*Oh Belphie. I had a nightmare and everything was taken away from me. It was either killed or destroyed right in front of me. Then someone claimed me and hurt me really badly.
I cruddaled her in my arms and told her that was never going to happen. She hugged me tight and I let her until she fell back asleep. I will do anything for this girl. I love her that much.

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