World burn remastered ☆ pt2

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My name is mumbo jumbo and I'm the mayor and a massive deal I shall grind him to sand. He says walking into his diamond throne he was mad bdubs had kissed grian infront of him why! But what seem to piss him off was the fact that grian seemed to enjoy it.

"enjoy you temporary win"

      mumbo is a horrible mayor

I wanna him burn and I have the gasoline all I need to do is get him.

Time skip

"so mr mumbo has found this book it has every single hermits name expect bdubs all saying horrible stuff about each of us anyone dare to own up to it?" Joe slams the book into the table and looks at the hermits before glaring at bdubs

Bdubs time to watch your back bdubs time to turn and cough.

"Bubbles should I bdubs why" keralis says before existing and slamming the door.

Keralis is a annyoing stupid bitch

Mumbo is a horrible mayor

Mumbo is a horrible mayor

"and you can quote that" bdubs snickers "but I didnt write that at all"

"leave" his sweet voice now harsh and cold

"grian I promise it wasnt me"

"LEAVE" he screams at him

He walks away and scar follows him knowing bdubs would never say anything bad about anyone

Mumbo may have won the battle but I will when the war! his fist in the air planning his next move to get revenge on mumbo for making grian go against him.

Mumbo could only smirk as he walks into his base before closing it making sure no one can here him

" I wanna watch him burn and bdubs may have won the battle but I will win the war! And you can quote that I wanna watch him burn and everyone turn against him and make grian love me mE MEEEEE" his voice enchanting and loud. I know what to do grian is a sucker for physical contact and bdubs blood would boil. But at least for now no one liked him

Scars POV

" YOU MAY TAKEN MY DOWN BUT YOU WONT FINSH ME OFF AND I WILL WIN HIS HEART ! MUMBO IS HORRIBLE MAYOR" he screams his voice beautiful and clear I think that they are forgetting grian is human but I'll try to get them close. Some way or another.

Mumbos POV

"my name is mumbo jumbo and mumbo is a horrible mayor HEY BDUBS HOW YA LIKE ME NOW!" he sings looking at him self at his mirror before spreading the elytras wings before blasting off.

Scars POV

"scar dont be fooled by his smile he is dangerous" he looks ar me with worried eyes

"hes the mayor hes a Lion only with less hair" I giggle

"did we think we'd be protected not a chance if he suspected I was going for his bestfriend heart "

"bdubs stay cool "

Grians POV

"it's fine for them it's fine for them it's fine till I get hurt. I'm I to cute and innocent? why did they chose a role for me I'm trapped in this adorable show they could have set me free but all I am to them is a potential boyfriend that's all" I say patting scars cat jellie he came over and now I'm just talking to him.

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