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Lily's POV

Lily's outfit for their swimwear collection meeting

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Lily's outfit for their swimwear collection meeting

I arrived at Jane's office headquarters and thanked Benjamin. During the car ride I had managed to cool down and I wasn't as heated as I was before. I walked into the building and went straight to the elevator to go to Jane's office.

The elevator arrived onto her floor and I went to her office. I knocked and she said come in. As soon as I walked in she whistled and said ,'Well you look like you're about the rain hell down. You look like a bad bitch.'

I rolled my eyes at her and we hugged and gave each other air kisses. She looked at me from arms length away and said ,'I know something is up we will talk after the meeting though. '

We walked to the meeting and it was a good meeting if I do say so myself. Everyone was on board and everyone had done their part of the project to perfection almost.

The meeting ended and everyone left the conference room and it was just Nicole, Jane and I left sitting in there.

Jane turned to me and said ,'So what's up, why are you dressed like you're about murder someone?'

I gaped and said ,'I thought this outfit was cute guys. I feel like I look like a serious but fashionable businesswoman.'

Nicole nodded and said ,'You do look like a fashionable businesswoman but your face shows something is wrong.'

I sighed and said ,'Last night I went to a wedding with Adonis's family and Adonis obviously, and I think it was some sort of ex's wedding.'

Jane's eyebrows furrowed and she said ,'Adonis has an ex?'

I shrugged and said ,'Apparently. Well anyway he didn't tell me and we get there and he starts drinking like crazy like way more than is appropriate and I was confused because Adonis and his image you know. Anyway so I go to cut him off and he tells me how he always saw himself being the one to marry her.'

My voice wasn't wavering by some miracle. I was just in the pissed stage so all I was feeling was annoyed by it all.

Jane gaped at me amd said ,'He did not say that to your face.'

I was feeling a bit more confident about saying how I was feeling because of how my best friends were reacting. I waved my arms in the air and I said ,'He did and I was hurt but I tried to you know ignore it. We went back to our table and I kid you not guys I saw a gorgeous girl. Like she had luscious red locks and green eyes, she just carried herself in a way that was attention grabbing, ugh like what a bitch. '

Jane and Nicole laughed whilst Irolled my eyes at tge thought of her.

I continued and said, 'Anyways they stared at each other like lost lovers and I had to move out the way, it was like no one else existed.'

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