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Present time🥀


Z: *laughs* Why don't you like boba?
M: I don't know.

I smiled and looked down at the view from the balcony.

M: I'm sorry

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M: I'm sorry...
Z: hm?
M: I'm sorry, for ruining your life. When I saw you walk by that day I just couldn't let you leave. I wanted you... so I kidnapped you since I knew I would never have a chance with you.
Z: *smile fades away* Well there's nothing we can do about it now..
M: I'll let you go.
Z: huh?
M: I'll let you go, so that you can go back with your mom and brother.
Z: Really?!?
M: yeah...
Z: thank you!!!

I hugged him tightly but he pulled away like if he was not trying to look at me.

M: You can go home tomorrow, I'll drop you off.
Z: But they don't live near here.
M: I know, I got two plane tickets. Once I drop you off safely I'll come back and poof, I'll be out of your life.
Z: But I don't want you out of my life...

Mattia finally looked at me but he looked at me confused.

M: Isn't that what you've always wanted? I'll leave you alone, you can even tell the police about me. This is the address.

Mattia said handing me a little piece of paper with the address of this little apartment.

M: You'll be free. *fake smiles*
Z: After three years you're just going to let me go?
M: you're 21, you should be living life, not be stuck here with me.

Mattia said looking down. I wanted to stay but I also wanted to go...

M: One thing before you go.

Mattia put his finger under my chin turning my face slowly before kissing me. My first kiss... he pulled away smiling but it quickly faded away.

M: I don't want you to leave but I know it's better if you go back home...

Happy Birthday Zamira...

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