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Z: What are you talking about?

I walked over to Mattia and saw a little microphone.

M: Are you working for them?
Z: For who?
M: The police, idk, why do you have a microphone?!

Mattia said getting more aggressive.

Z: Calm down, that's not mine. Where did you find it?
M: In your sweater!
Z: Why are you looking through my things?!
M: I wasn't! I just moved the fucking sweater and it fell out! Answer my question why do you have a fucking microphone?!
Z: I said it's not mine!

Mattia pushed me against the wall aggressively heavy breathing.

M: Then who's is it?! Answer me Zamira!
Z: Stop Mattia, you're scaring me!

Mattia through me the microphone and left the house slamming the door.

I picked the microphone up and broke it before throwing it away.

After a few hours Mattia came back but ignored me.

Z: Mattia I got rid of the microphone, I swear it's not mine.

Mattia just shrugged his shoulders and turned around taking his shirt off. I cleared my throat about the leave the room when I noticed the hickeys on his body.

Z: *scoffs&mumbles* I bet you had fun.
M: Huh?
Z: Nothing. *fake smiles*

I rolled my eyes and left the room slamming the door.

Don't get mad you're not dating him. Why would you even get mad?!
It's alright Zamira.☺️

He's a fucking bitch.
Who says that they love someone then go fuck another bitch?!
Y'know what? Idc he could do whatever he wants.

M: Zamira don't fucking slam the door.
Z: omg do you have a problem with everything I do?! You slammed the door too.
M: okay let's calm down, I'm sorry for yelling at you.
Z: It's fine I don't care, now get out.

Mattia looked at me confused and tried to kiss me but I pushed him away.

Z: Go fuck one of your other hoes.

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