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I woke up and saw Mattia arguing with Athena.

Athena: it doesn't match though.
M: huh?! It matches perfectly.
Athena: green and pink don't go together papa.
M: *scoffs* clearly you don't know anything about fashion.
Z: she's right green doesn't go with pink baby.
Athena: HAHA!
M: *flips her off*
Z: Mattia!
M: oops *smiles*

Athena laughed and went back to her room to pick a better outfit.

I stood up and was about to walk to the bathroom but Mattia grabbed my arm and turned me around before kissing me softly.

I smiled and hugged him before walking into the bathroom to get ready.

M: fuck no.
Athena: Why not?
M: My outfit looked better on you.
Athena: no it didn't.
M: Babe!
Z: what now?
M: Does that outfit look better than the one I chose?
Z: well...
M: *shocked* you guys just don't love me... but it's fine... *starts fake crying*
Z: omg *face palms*
Athena: you can cry idc, my outfit still looks better.
Z: Athena.
M: uh- well fuck you.
Z: Okay both of you shut up and leave the room so that I can get ready.
M: damn she has an attitude.
Athena: Ikr *rolls eyes*
Z: wtf-

They left the room and I just stood there shocked.

Mattia's POV

M: you ready princess?
Athena: yes papa.
M: kk.

I grabbed my keys before kissing Zamira and leaving with Athena.

I dropped her off and went back home with Zamira for a hours until I had to go to work.

Z: but why????
M: I don't like her nor her boyfriend.
Z: Why? She seems nice.
M: no she seems like a bitch.
Z: Mattia you always say that about her but you haven't even met her.
M: isn't she the one that tried to brake us up while you were pregnant with Athena?
Z: well yes but-
M: point proven.

I looked at him annoyed and he just kissed me.

Z: but I already invited her to Athena's birthday dinner...
M: really?! Zamira.
Z: What? She was very nice to me when I saw her at the store.
M: yeah because she's a hypocrite.
Z: too late.
M: we can just cancel the dinner and we can take Athena on a birthday trip.
Z: One I can't travel because the baby can be born at any moment. Two I'm going to feel bad for her.

Mattia groaned and I just smiled innocently.

Z: cmon don't be like that.
M: okay fine but only if you promise to buy me ice cream after the dinner.
Z: okay.
M: perfect:)

I laughed started running my fingers through his hair.

Z: also don't be mean to her during the dinner.
M: :o- that's no fun:/
Z: If you start being mean to her during the dinner I'll ignore you until you say sorry to her.
M: okay fine.

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