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M: but honestly I feel like the teacher doesn't even do nothing about it- Zamira are you even listening to me?
Z: hm? Of course baby.

Mattia looked at me confused and sat down next to me. I just faked a smile and kissed him but honestly I couldn't stop think about what his mom had said.

Z: Can we talk about yesterday?
M: what about it?
Z: Why did you just leave instead of talking to me?
M: I did talk to you, at midnight.
Z: No, you didn't talk to me, you just apologized and we had sex. That's it. We didn't talk at all.

Mattia looked at me serious and put his food down.

M: where did this come from?
Z: Nowhere I'm just asking you why we never talk about our problems. We just "solve" them fucking.
M: Did that Ivan bitch tell you to ask me this?
Z: No Ivan doesn't have to do with any of this.

Mattia just rolled his eyes and went upstairs.

Z: See you just avoid the questions!

I heard him slam the door making Angelo cry.

Z: you scared him Mattia.

I picked Angelo up and calmed him down. I grabbed my keys and Angelo's jacket before leaving the house.


Z: hey Ivan can you take care of Angelo for a little while? I just need to do something.
Iv: Yeah of course, how far away are you?
Z: about like 5 minutes.
Iv: alright.

After I got to his house I dropped Angelo off and went back home.

I went upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door waiting for Mattia to open the door.

M: what?
Z: open the door, I want to talk to you.

He didn't answer me so I assumed he wanted me to stop knocking but he soon opened the door.

I walked into the room and saw that he had basically broke everything in the room.

Z: Mattia...
M: I wasn't thinking... I'm sorry.
Z: If I hadn't have left would you have hit me?
M: what?! You think I would hurt you?
Z: it was just a question...
M: who the fuck is putting all this shit into your head?! Everything was fine last night.
Z: Everything was "fine" because we avoided the problems. We never talked about my dad nor about why you left and came back smelling like alcohol.

I looked at him in the eyes and just looked around at all the broken things around us.

Z: did you really have to do this? did you really have to yell at me? I'm trying to talk to you, not argue with you.
M: I'm sorry for breaking this shit I wasn't think, okay?! I apologize for yelling at you, that was stupid, I'm just frustrated.
Z: and you think I'm not? The husband I thought had changed after the years has not changed at all.

Mattia looked at me hurt and I held in my tears because I knew I shouldn't be crying over something so pathetic.

Z: You're still that childish bitch that kidnapped me years ago.

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