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"That's a stop sign! You're supposed to stop before you go!"

"Both of you—stop yelling at me! I know what I'm doing, all right?!"

Flash tightened his grip on the steering wheel, making Alissa nervously gulp in the backseat of his father's car; there was still a scratch on the side that his father has yet to notice, nor had Scott even tried to mention it to the man, knowing it might not end so good for Flash if he heard about it.

Carter was tightly fastened in the passenger seat by his seatbelt Alissa made him, and Flash, strap on before the car even left the parking lot. Alissa wasn't sure why they didn't take Carter's car, but Flash was adamant that he could drive them and get them their quicker. He also made sure to mention the fact that he passed his license test with a whopping 73%, three points higher than Carter had scored; she wasn't too sure if that was correct considering how awful he actually was at driving.

"You sure about that?" Carter bitterly snapped, gaping at Flash when he nearly took out a stop sign in the process of turning onto the street where Midtown Middle school was located. Alissa gulped and grabbed onto the back of their leather headrests', clenching her eyes shut when the tires screeched against the pavement as he stopped right front of the school. Alissa let out a faint shriek of panic, taking in a deep breath, eyes wide as she looked just outside the windows next to her.

A breath of relief passed through her and Carter's lips as the car was finally stopped and in front of the school. Flash just rolled his eyes and threw open the door and began to climb out. "You're welcome, by the way," he grumpily said, pushing the seat forward so Alissa could slide out as the convertible top was up rather than down. She quickly got out, gently patting her hand on the patch of grass near the sidewalk when she came around the back of the car.

Carter kneeled on the grass, holding his hands out towards the sky, head slightly titled back. "Oh, land!" He cheerfully cried out, laughing as Alissa giggled, copying his actions and shouting something similar.

Flash rolled his eyes and lazily stuffed the keys into the pockets of his pants. "This isn't the Pacifier, Carter," Flash commented. His only responses were snickers from the siblings. "And weren't we supposed to be rescuing B?"

Alissa stood and brushed off her knees. "Yeah, uh, Flash, you can just stay in the car," Alissa instructed. Flash went to protest. "It'll be weird if you go in with us. It's already gonna be suspicious with us going in during school hours—we don't need to make it worse."

Flash reluctantly agreed with a nod and step towards the parked car. "All right, but hurry."

Carter clicked his tongue against his teeth and nodded, tapping Alissa's arm to get her walking towards the school with
him. "Will do," Carter said, smiling at his friend. Flash faintly returned the gesture as he headed back to the door, making the older boys smile falter a little.

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