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Q: whats arsenal?

A: 1) its a roblox game 2) why are you here if you dont know what it is 

Q: a fanfiction about a bunch of animation shorts based off the game arsenal??? stupid weebs, out to ruin everything

A: I know, right? oh wait, im the one writing this. if you're here to criticize me for making something like this, just calm down and uuuhhhhh not hate me for making this?(please dont act like we're all bad i'll try not to be cringey)

Q: Whats this about?

A: oh you know... two people are hanging out, commit a felony, then go hiding in the woods and then are captured by the local pixies... your average AU

Q: your a mean carrot

A: no YOU are the mean carrot >:(

ok enough of me talking, I'll just start writing the AU

Arsenal AUWhere stories live. Discover now