i hav another arsenal fanfic now

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(its called everyone has the golden knife except baby)

Scarecrow  POV

honestly, things are getting boring. I guess I should change this up a bit.



"Can you burn a bunch of stuff in the labyrinth" 

"Ok" She grabs a torch and goes on her way.

Ace Pilots POV

I continue walking around, with the john brick mirror in hand.

"You sure I shouldn't be set free?" He asks.

"Either I'd be letting out my worst enemy, the ghost of my worst enemy, or I'd just be breaking a mirror and I'm going insane."

"What did I even do?"

"A lot. You did a lot."


"I'm not comfortable telling you"

"Maybe I can make things right if you just tell me?"

"YOU THINK THINGS CAN BE RIGHT AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO HER? NEVER." I exclaim. I see a shadow dart past me, and then the smell of smoke came to my attention. I look around and see everything burning. A tall figure with a bunch of arms approaches, a torch in hand.

"Spidra, please don't kill the anime girl" Says another figure.

"What else can I do?"

Spidras POV

I'm a harmful person. Hurting others is what I do. I can't stop. Not since I got here. This 'circus' is a prison.

"Look, do you want to get out of here?" Cait asks me.

"...what are implying" freedom? when was the last time it was mentioned.

"this is rabble rouser. she has a plan to shut this place down and stop scarecrows cycle of torture she has put us through" Cait says, and a girl with a brown ponytail walks forward.

"She says that pink haired girl has the tools to bust us out."

"Are you guys talking about my megaphone?"

"Yeah! I remember that you killed John Brick with it!" Rabble Rouser replies. 

"Oh, uh, yeah, I... did that" theres a muffled voice from behind her.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" She says.


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