And you'd think it'd end here

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Phoenix POV

I wish Hidden Star could stay here forever. But he has his own life. Its been quite a while since they got here. Everyone in the village agreed that they'd stay quiet about this place. Besides, they can visit! I... am going to miss Hidden Star, but this is for the best. I walk them to the exit of the village.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask.

"YEP! SEE YA WOULD'NT WANNA BE YA LOSER" John Brick exclaims and runs off.

"I guess. Uhh, maybe I'll visit sometime." Hidden Star says. 

"Sure! I'll... miss you"

"Same. Well... Goodbye" He waves goodbye and walks off. I stand there, watching him walk away. I turn around and start walking home when Delinquent approaches me.

"So, I have a feeling your dating that dude now?" Delinquent asks, attempting to tease me about it.

"Well, can you do better?" I reply, knowing that he likes Rabble Rouser, yet never confesses.


(aight, the last few parts were short, but their existence is crucial. and no, its not over. basically its just the beginning... that sounded cringey)

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