help I need a better cover for this

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The pillow fight lasted out insanely long. They took a lunch break and then went back to pillow fighting. I mean, its really illogical how long they had a pillow fight for. But hey, they got closer as a group, so that's. It was now pretty late, and they decided that they will all be sleeping over at Phoenixs house. Phoenix said no but who cares. Since pillow fighting got boring they started to play truth or dare. (I'm running out of ideas but I have to write about a week then get to the actually planned stuff)

"SO I'LL BEGIN! Alright, Hidden Star,  truth or dare?" Red Panda asks.

"Since I'm not an idiot, I'll pick truth." Hidden Star says.

"HA HA WIMP" John Brick exclaims.

"Shut up"

"Alright, do you have any stuffed animals we don't know about?"

"No, I find most things in this world unbearable, and the concept of treating an inanimate object as your best friend is just sad." Hidden Star replies.

"Heh, yeah, I know right, I totally don't have stuffed animals, uhhh" Delinquent says, hiding a dinosaur plushie behind his back.

"Delinquent, I've seen your dinosaur plushie quite a lot." Rabble Rouser says.

"Thats from when I was little!"

"I saw you playing with it yesterday." 

"Alright, its my turn. Delinquent, truth or dare" 

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh truth? I mean- dare! wait no truth" Delinquent continued to struggle with answering the question, which is a concept keeping my soul intact, for some reason.

"Just choose you childish pear" Phoenix exclaims.

"Uhhhh truth!" Delinquent says. 

"Whats the weirdest dream you've ever had?"

"Oh, uhhh I had this one dream where a angry gorilla killed 02" Delinquent responds, while Ace Pilot shows an expression of utter dismay.(unlike last part, none of this will foreshadow much)

"Why would anyone do that?" Ace Pilot asks.

"I'm not surprised anyone would do that." Phoenix replied.

"Alright, my turn! John Brick, truth or dare!"Delinquent asks.

"Dare, cause unlike everyone else, I am not a wimp" Jon Brick says, while I, the writer, cringe.

"Hmmmmmmm what should I ask... Oh I know! John Brick, I dare you to kiss 02" Delinquent says.(theres always that one dare, or question. people, be original when playing truth or dare, love isn't the only thing that can embarrass someone)

"Wait- I- I barely know her though- and, uhhh" John Brick tries to escape his horrible fate. He chose the wrong person to dare him. Meanwhile, I, the writer, am finally including some ships, cause that's what my plans are now. I have sunk to a new low, but I'm to lazy to care for petty stuff like dignity.

"Oh my goodness, I just realized how cute that ship could be" Red Panda exclaimed. (lets be serious, Red Panda would ship her friends with each other, don't act like she wouldn't)

"NOPE! I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN" Ace Pilot yelled. Hidden Star was amused and disgusted at the same time, as yes, this is funny, but the dare was so overused.

"Everyone knows that you can't not do the dare, that just ruins the fun" Phoenix says. (HATE ME FOR CREATING THIS CRINGE PART IF YOU MUST, BUT THE PLOT GETS REALLY S P I C Y SOON. and not that spicy if you're mind diseased)

"Ugh, fine, but it won't change the fact I hate her with every bone in my body." John Brick says, and kisses her for two seconds. (so, I went to bed after I wrote this part, and now I am just staring at what I wrote)

Uhhhh timeskip to midnight or something cause truth or dare is cringe

It was almost midnight, and everyone else was asleep, except John Brick and Ace Pilot. John Brick decided to think for once, and keep his mouth shut, to not wake everyone up. Ace Pilot did not care for anyone's sleep schedule however, and was about to start an argument with John Brick, but then the demon thing came back.

"ITS BACK!" John Brick yelled. The two started screaming in pure terror, surprisingly not waking anyone up as the demon thing(yes its gonna be called demon thing for a while) made its way towards Hidden Star, who was still asleep, next to Phoenix(haha its not like I ship it or anything...sorry red phoenix shippers btw) Ace Pilot decided to try and talk to the demon thing, despite it being a DEMON THING.

"What are you doing here????"Ace Pilot asked the demon thing. The demon thing disappeared, which is really rude, it could have answered the question but nO it had better things to do.

"Its gone again..." John Brick says.

"Why was it going towards Hidden Star?"

"No idea..."

"I thought you would know why, I thought you two were close"

"Ha! He and I only work together, and besides, he isn't close with anyone. I've never seen him talk that much to anyone really unless he feels like insulting them. The only person I've ever seen him be nice to is another person we work with, The Boi" 

"Huh. So what do you guys do?" Ace Pilot asked. 

"Oh, uhhh none of your business..." John Brick replied. She didn't need to know.


"No, its not"

"Still suspicious"

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