*tears ship in half*

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(also, on roblox, all my friends on roblox keep sending me the same message and gamelink. none of them know eachother. I think they are broken. Speaking of roblox, my user is verypugley and I have a tiny group called the pugley pugs which has no purpose rather than existing)

Hidden Star POV

timeskip a few days later

I know you'd wish I could say I'll visit the village again. But I... can't. I just can't. I'd rather forget it all. If I left it would be too suspicious. If I told someone, they wouldn't believe me! And if I told The Boi... I know he'd believe me. But then he'd want to visit them with me, and then he'd learn that I like someone else, but then again, do I? I mean... ugh, those thoughts are too hard to sort out. Besides, I remember the dream from during the bear account. I will either choose to forget everything about that, or I help the demon thing. I by that she meant sell my soul, which I don't plan on doing. I guess I'll choose to forget. 

I stood in an alleyway, alone.

"Oh my, a shady alleyway. Your clearly inviting me! Hello there." Scarecrow says.

"Hello there demon thing." I greet her in the most annoyed tone I could come up with.

"So, have you made your decision?"

"I'm choosing to forget"

"awwww, I really wanted you to help! But I guess a deal is a deal. I didn't think you'd choose this at first though! So many important memories I appear in! And during that week. I saw how close you got with that other masked dude? Do humans have a preference for masks?!"

"Well, clearly forgetting is much less painful than selling my soul and remembering all the times I've had to look at that ugly face of yours" I reply. 

"That's... rude. But still, I guess I'll remove your memories." Scarecrow says. Some weird demon magic happens and...

why the heck am I in an alleyway.

(alright thats enough updates for today- JK)

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