idk what the title should be for this part

201 7 2

(idk a different pov now)

Ace Pilot tied up the DUMB VEGETABLE who broke her megaphone, while red panda searched through the rest of the area for more intruders of the forest. 

"Hey 02! I found another dude. He's already sleeping though... do you think he'd wake up if we tried to capture him?" Red Panda asks. Ace Pilot put the dumb vegetable aside and walked towards Red Panda, and looked at the other guy. He wore a blue overcoat, sunglasses, and a mask. He seemed actually kinda chill... but that's just the glasses. 

"hmmmmmm I'm not sure. we need to... test him" she replied. 

"I see" Red Panda slowly moves her pointer finger towards his cheek, and pokes. The guy wakes up.

"what dumb waffle has chosen to awaken me" He exclaims. 

"it was her!" Red Panda says and points at Ace Pilot.

"No it wasn't!" 

"You two act like children"

"no you!" Ace Pilot and Red Panda respond in unison.

"That... further proves my point. hhhhh I guess I can just kill you-" Red Panda pulls out the sleep darts and throws one at his arm.

"That was close." Red Panda says as she gets some rope to tie him up.

"He wasn't nice"

"Ya, hes none but a mean pineapple"

The two head over into the deeper parts of the forest, towards their village. 

"Hey, what are we going to do with these guys? its kinda too late for us to take them to our boss..." Ace Pilot asks

"We could just leave them with Counter Blox Soldier..."

"What?! No! I hate him, you know that."

"But he's in charge of prisoners and stuff like that"

"hhhhhhhhhhhhh lets just leave em outside his house, I hate even looking at that face"

"but he wears a mask"

They continued towards the village and finally get to the entrance. At the gates of the village Delinquent is guarding. 

"Hey 02, hey Panda- WHO THE HECC ARE THOSE TWO AND WHY DON'T THEY HAVE WINGS???" Delinquent begins to freak out and hides behind a bush. 

"Calm down! Haven't you seen a human before? Or at least heard of them?" Red Panda looked slightly shocked.

"Wha- That's what humans look like? I thought they wouldn't look so much like us!"

"Well they do"

"So, uhhhh, why are they here?"

"Well, I was out just playing my music, and then one of them just ran up to me and BROKE MY MEGAPHONE"

"OH NO- wait why should I be worried about that. Not going to lie, that's a relief" 


"02, calm down!" Panda exclaimed


"Don't make me use the baton." Panda responded

"Look, just cause you're the only person who can shut me up doesn't mean I can't still choke someone out." (ack i should tell you guys the lore but I'm lazy)

"But you wouldn't I'd know, especially not him. Hurting Delinquent is like hurting a child."

"ugh, true"

"I'm not a child!" Delinquent exclaimed.

"Can you let us through already" Panda asks

"I mean... I guess. A-as long as the humons don't hurt me"

"Humans" Panda corrected. Delinquent opened the gates and Panda and Ace Pilot walked through, dragging the humans along.

They stopped by Counter Blox Soldiers house to drop off the humans, and then went over to their house and went to sleep.(yes panda and 02 are roomates)

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