i think this is cursed but thats just me

465 4 2

Ever look at the world and see something like a, uhhhh giraffe? Then, your mother walks in the room with some sushi. Two things that are incredibly different are in the same world. Its strange how one can set a theme, when in reality, two different things seem to collide often. What? No this wasnt supposed to sound smart. Its just how to describe this. In other words, i mashed a bunch of very different things at 1:00 in the morning and created this plot. Idk what i was trying to do here. hhhhhh naturally transitioning is hard. welp, lets just-

John Brick jumped out of the broken window with the loot, and jumped into the back of the truck like and epic gamer. 

"What took you so long???" Hidden Star asks as he drives the truck towards who knows where.

"I don't know! For some reason it felt as if someone took to long to transition into this highly escalated getaway"

bruh. hhhhh ill just fix the fourth wall give me a minute

The two continue driving off, and soon they had successfully evaded the cops. Megalovania starts playing loudly. 

"whats that?" John Brick asked.

"Just my ringtone" Hidden Star responded, picking up his phone. 

"hey its from Fanboy"

Hidden Star puts it on speaker phone.

"guys, the cops found our base, its not going to be safe for a bit." Fanboy says

"wait- THOSE DUMB BROCCOLI SPROUTS FOUND THE BASE???" Hidden Star exclaims.  

"don't worry, we're getting it under control, but you two need to hide"

"you sure?"

"yeah i'm sure, do you know the horrors i can do with a pistol?" Fanboy responds.


(more coming soon but its late for meh cya)

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