into the woods(anyone here know that musical?)

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The two decided to hide in a forest, and stay the night there. Hidden Star somehow was prepared for this, and had those ear bud things that people use to block out other peoples stupidity. John Brick wasn't prepared for this at all. 

"don't you have any extra supplies???"

"if i did, i wouldn't waste them on you."

"your a rude potato"

"I know" Hidden Star says and goes to sleep.

John Brick tried to improvise, but he couldn't get to sleep. And as soon as he was almost asleep, some loud sounds came from the bushes. 

"Did you hear that?" He asked Hidden Star. His question was responded to by silence. Except it wasn't silent cause someone was playing what seemed to be "music" alright, so there is definitely someone nearby. John Brick stood up and got his gun. It could be anything. 

The "music" seemed to be coming from behind a tree. He continued to look behind it. First thing he did was destroy the noise maker.  said noise maker was a weird megaphone with a fantasy like design. 

John Brick was too busy staring at the object when he was punched in the face. 

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH OTHER PEOPLES STUFF! LET ALONE A STRANGERS! YOU DISGUSTING ALMOND" Exclaimed his attacker. She wore a red dress thingy, and an orange scarf(look this is an au of course everything looks different) She had pink hair and red horns, and seemed really mad. She also had wings. What the hecc.

"what are you doing in the woods in the middle of the night"

"NOTHING! absolutely noth- hhhhhh you already saw the wings, best I can do is just capture you and take you to the boss." She responds. "darn, the only thing I had that would have knocked you out was my megaphone"

"wha-?" John Brick was interrupted by another  person running towards the scene. This one wore a red cloak, with a hood with ears. and the wings. 

"02! There you are! What are you doing out of the village so late??" She exclaimed.

"Pheonix said my music was too loud, I didn't care at first but then he nearly shot me with a dart. So I decided I'd go here to bring my epic music into the world now, where no hideous turnips would threaten me. Except that one" 02 said, and pointed at john brick. 

"Hey, don't call me that!"

"he also broke my megaphone"

"HE DID WHAT????" 02's cloaked friend gasped.

"uh, no, I didn't! I TOTALLY did not! She just uhhh, dropped it!"

"You have a death wish" 

"do you have anything to knock him out"

"why not just kill him?"

"thats chaotic, but we can resort to that if we fail to knock him out"

"I am... right here" John Brick says.

"we know" The two said in unison. That wasn't comforting but who said anyone here cared.

"uuuhhhhhhhhh are you going to capture me yet-" John Brick was shot in the arm with a sleeping dart thingy.

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