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Hidden Stars POV

The Boi and I walked through the labyrinth, my emotions twisted. I liked Phoenix and I still do, but I also like The Boi. Ugh, whyyyyyyy...

"Ya good? Are you worried about booby traps or something???" The Boi asks.

"I'm fine"

"You've been acting extra depressed compared to everyone else ya know... I thought I should help"

"Well, just know its not your fault" I reply

"Well, whos fault is it?"

"Might be mine, I don't know" I sigh. (speaking of booby traps) The Boi steps on a plate on the floor, and knives fly towards us from no where. Multiple hit Boi, and I get pinned to the wall.

"Boi!" I run up to him. The blood pours from his body. We share one last glance.


"I called it" The Boi says. We kiss... and he closes his eyes. I can't believe it. I've seen so much death... but for the first time ever in years... it hurts. Horribly. I loved him... this world is unfair. So unfair. Why him?

(sorry guys I had to do it)

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