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John Bricks POV

I... think I could have been a better person to Ace Pilot. Seeing how close Hidden Star and Phoenix got, I could have made amends with her. She was just playing music in a private area. The way I reacted was rude. Maybe I could have been her friend. I have no plans of going back to that village. I hate that place. But if she and I could start over somehow. Maybe we could be friends. I could have been nicer to all of them. But then again, she did knock me out and capture me. But it did work out in the end. I hope that there could be a universe where I wasn't so mean. I know I act like I think I'm pure gold but lately... I've been realizing how I'm anything but. The stuff I do for work is horrible, the way I treat others is horrible... but how do I stop myself? I've been living my entire life as a horrible person. I just want to change, but I've gotten to far becoming who I am today. On second thought... I could never make amends with Ace Pilot. I'd need a time machine to get her to be my friend.

Ace Pilot POV

Red Panda says I should be nice. Maybe I should. But there's a certain line people shouldn't cross. John Brick broke my megaphone, always kept up fights with me, and- GOSH I JUST HATE HIM. He never once did anything nice to me. The one chance we had at a normal conversation was interrupted by a d e m o n. Clearly that's a sign we are never intended to make any amends. I was just playing music. He provoked me. I captured him! He's the one who attacked first, why should he take the role of the victim?! I hate his guts. I want to explode his head with my megaphone. Sure, I finally got it fixed today, but he is still out there, probably not worrying about what a STINKY APPLE SLICE HE IS. I want to fight him. I want to scream at him! I WANT HIM DEAD. I know, I should be nice, I guess, but he was never nice to me. And they day he is, I still won't be nice. Red Panda is the only person I trust for a reason. The fact that a 'dangerous' hybrid is better than some human, and some certain pixies, say a lot.

(wow 02. chill) 

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