uuuuhhhhh simp circus

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(yes you just read the title. yeah.  also don't make a joke about goz or that clown character from piggy I can see it coming from a mile away)

Scarecrow POV

I've done a lot of horrible stuff. I know that. But now I'm trying to be better. I can't let people see me in a bad light. If anyone knew the horrors I've committed, how would I be able to speak back? To a lot of people in the magical world, I've been labeled as 'the good demon'. I want to keep that title, even if it means tearing peoples memories apart. I know I'll see him today. Maybe he'd want to- no. 

"The shows about to start" Performer says. 

I walk out into the ring. I grin at the audience. Cause why not. The rest of the circus people(cause I can't call them performers cause performers a character now-)

"Today we will have an exciting performance! And I'd like a guest from the audience please" I say. 

"You didn't tell us this!" Cait hisses in a low voice so the audience doesn't hear.

"Of course she wouldn't have" Vampire replies. I ignore them and spot Hidden Star in the audience.

"YOU THERE! WITH THE GLASSES AND MASK! COME OVER HERE" I yell. He reluctantly stands up, mixed emotions amongst his party. I spot Anna as well. Huh.

"ALSO THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE BRAID" They walk down and I tell Spidra to lead them. She leads them to a booth. They enter it. I enter the booth as well.

"Spidra will now make us DISAPPEAR and REAPPEAR" I exclaim. Spidra does tightrope stuff actually, and knows nothing about illusions but 'fired' magician a week ago. And don't get me started on Phantom Thief Magician.

"Why do you think I can-"

"shut up" I say. I make me, hidden star, and anna(lowercase go brrrrrrrrr) teleport to my office.

Annas POV

"Scarecrow, we just need access to the clock" I say.

"Are you kidding me? You gave away your power, and NOW you realize its useful?!" Scarecrow exclaims.

"I also need answers why the hell can't I remember what happened to my mother?!" Hidden Star shouts.

"Look, if you knew I'd lose everything I've worked for"

"Are you kidding me?! You care too much about your representation." I reply.

"Just give us what we want." Hidden Star says.

"Why would I ever do that? You two are annoying me. Take your dumb memory. But not the clock." Scarecrow says and tears off Hidden Stars glasses and mask.


"If you want it so bad... YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK FOR IT" everything goes dark.

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