Delinquent with a gun

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(thats the title cause its the title)

Retro Zombie(He won't be that important for a while but HE WILL BE SO I'LL INTRODUCE HIM NOW) was cutting some bread for a sandwhich. Then, of course, as usual, something just had to happen. His lag teleports him behind Rabble Rouser, who was talking with Delinquent.

"Zombie! Why are you here??" Delinquent exclaims.

"OH MY GOSH HE HAS A KNIFE!" Rabble Rouser screams. She hides behind Delinquent.

"I-it was the lag! Please don't get scared." Retro Zombie explains.

"Then why do you have a knife" 

"I was making a sandwich"

"Yeah, nice alibi... REPORTED FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER" Rabble Rouser attempts to use her ability to report Retro Zombie, but his lag disconnects him just in time.

Retro Zombie was plopped into his waiting room, where he waits for himself to reconnect. This room was empty, and was technically a void, if it weren't for the one countdown, which he put there, counting the time to when his worst enemy comes back. Currently there is year left on the clock, which sucks, but it's not getting any longer. 

Another thing about this room is Lag themselves. Lag is... annoying, but is even worse when they're in person. 

"Hello there Zombie. Say, what brings you here?" Lag asks.

"I pretty sure you'd know" Retro Zombie replied.

"Of course I would."

"Can you just not teleport me behind people while I'm making a sandwich"

"No can do buddy. I'm a curse, remember! And besides, I found it funny!"

"Your idea of funny is also floating me in the air, and I don't even know that's happening until I fall and hit my face into the ground, which has been happening a lot of times lately"

"Aw, whats the matter Zombie, can't you take a joke. In the end, that floating thing might even save your life! All my trick can! But for now, I must use my power for entertainment." Lag sighs.

"Well sorry I rarely nearly die for you to be helpful!"

"And THAT'S another hour with me! Careful what you say"


"Hey, since its been while since we've last seen eachother-"

"You disconnected me almost half a day ago"

"As I was saying until you interrupted with lies we don't need,  I was wondering if you have tried any new battle tactics, for when he comes back." Lag asks, referring to the countdown. 

"Its still a year you brain dead pixel man." Retro Zombie replies. Despite this he was still nervous.

"Well that doesn't answer my question. Give me an answer or I'll add on another hour."

"I still haven't figured anything out"

"Oh well, I guess that's an answer. How bout we practice the ones we have?" Lag says, but then notices Retro Zombie wasn't even listening anymore. Instead, he was simply staring at the countdown.

"Heh. So, are you scared? Its been a while since we've set that-" Lag is cut off by Retro Zombie shoving him away.

"Just leave me alone here."

"I'll leave you to it" Lag responds, and walks away.

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