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(I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I lack motivation, but expect this to continue)

11 years ago cause flashbacks are epic

Hidden Star was having a nightmare. At least, he wished it was. His mothers body was laying on the ground, and she looked really dead. He found a knife and pointed it at the thing that killed her. 

The thing he was looking at was seemingly a scarecrow, that somehow came to life. It had pitch black horns, poking out of its head. It rushed toward Hidden Star, and slashed down his face. He stabbed at the creature, but it seemed to not feel any pain. The thing looked at him and suddenly, it disappeared. 

present time cause I need to continue the plot

Hidden Star woke up. It was pretty early, and Phoenix was up as well. He sighed, glad that at least it was a dream.

"Hey, uhhh how'd you get that scar?" Phoenix asked. Hidden Star realized his mask and shades fell off while he was asleep.

"SHOOT- uuhhh don't tell anyone you saw that." He said as he put it back on.

"I'm actually curious now? What happened?"

"I... encountered a demon when I was a ten year old. I think"

"Wait, really? Interesting..." 

"I mean, I don't know if was a demon, maybe it was cosplayer gone mad, but I really don't know."

"I'm guessing it was a demon. How did you escape it though?"

"It just disappeared I guess... wait, why did I even tell you."

"I mean, I can help you find out more about the demon."

"What? nonono I'd rather not think about that day anymore."

"Well, I'll be there to help!" Phoenix says. John Brick wakes up.

"AW YEAH I CAN USE MY BEAUTIFUL VOICE AGAIN" John Brick yells and does the orange justice. Hidden Star slaps him cause we don't do that in my cringey fanfiction.

"OW!" He exclaims as Ace Pilot busts down the door and enters, prepared to yell at everyone with the power of chained up fury from the previous night. Rabble Rouser and Red panda are far behind, reluctantly trying to stop her from utterly dominating John Brick.

"HELLO THERE YOU MEGAPHONE DESTROYING APPLE" Ace Pilot yells, and slaps John Brick in the face.(by the end of this story, expect John Brick to have no face, due to repetitive slaps)

"NO ONE ASKED TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE 02" John Brick yells as Red Panda and Rabble Rouser enter exhausted.

"Do you two really have to yel-" Rabble Rouser gets cut off by John Brick and Ace Pilot yelling about who knows what.

" Please stop, theres no need to figh-" Red Panda also gets cut off. The two continue to argue, and the Phoenix joins in, cause he also hates Ace Pilot.


"No ones scared of your ability, it barely works anyways." Phoenix says.

"It definitely will someday!"

"Pretty sure it won't. Besides, you use it at the most random times" Phoenix says. The fight continues, and ends up as a intense pillow fight(Phoenix is going to go broke getting new pillows) Delinquent walks in wondering whats going on, and gets hit in the face by Rabble Rousers pillow.(TOP TEN ANIME BETRAYALS)

"D-did you just hit-" Delinquent gets cut off by Phoenix hitting him in the face in the pillow. The brothers end up intensely pillow dueling, and Delinquent is still V E R Y confused. The battle goes on and on, but then a dark figure appears and disappears(don't freak out yet its just foreshadowing)

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Delinquent yells.(holy f*** he swore)

"What was that?!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" John Brick does a little girl scream.

"OH SHOOT! also haha you scream like a little girl" Ace Pilot says.

"Bet you do to"

"This really isn't a time to fight" Rabble Rouser says.

"Yeah, what she said" Delinquent says, as he hides behind Phoenix.

"Delinquent get off me mango head." Phoenix says.

(and cliffhanger time)

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