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Hidden Stars POV

I have no idea why I decided to join them. Maybe I could revive John Brick? I don't really care for him however. Yes, death is a tragedy, but its not my place to do that. Why I went along... they seem familiar. I think they might have something to do with the strange gaps in my memory. 

We walk through a forest, I trail behind. Phoenix turns around and smiles at me for some reason. Probably nothing, right? I don't know. Suddenly, a giant dude who seemed to be made out of stone stood in our path.

"What you're looking for isn't here" They say.

"Do you know what we're looking for?" Ace Pilot asks.

"I think I do."

"Then what is it you big rock"

"I identify as a stone"

"You look like a rock to me"

"Alright, I'm just going to stop listening to you. I need to tell you guys that Anna does-"

"Ok bye rock man" The Boi says and walks past him. Soon we stop at a house, and a girl who looked about thirteen. (yes, in this AU Anna is thirteen I just felt like doing that)

"Get out, I don't have it! I'm not going to help you find it either!" She exclaims. 

"We haven't even-" Phoenix gets cut off.

"You haven't, but I know you will!"

"Look, our friends were kille-" Rabble Rouser gets cut off as well.

"Look, I know, its saddening, BUT I DON'T HAVE THE CLOCK ANYMORE"

"So you're Anna? But you're a ki-" I get cut off.

"And? AND?! I always get underestimated!"

"Because you probably don't even know how babies are bo-" She cuts me off again.

"Sadly I do."


"Can you at least help us find it?"

"Its currently in the possession of a demon called Scarecrow. And trust me, she will never let anyone get to it. She killed my dog, years later she came back. I either had to work for her, or lose my memory. But you see, I gave her the clock instead. And she let me go." Anna says. I... am shocked. Does this Scarecrow have to do with my memory? The image of my mother dying by the hands of a creature flashes through my mind. I thought I forgot about that.

"You ok?" The Boi asks.

"I'm fine..."

"Anyways, had a fun time wasting precious moments of my life on you, I'm out."

"Wait! Let us explain, and at least help us find her!" Rabble Rouser exclaims.


"You see... a year ago Hidden Star and John Brick came to our village, and honestly, they didn't cause any problems. They left to go back to their own lives afterwards. Then a year later, they came back, with this really scary guy named Fanboy, who killed an innocent, and then my... friend. The-"

"I also killed John Brick. I made his head explode, he killed my only friend" Ace Pilot interrupts. 

"Uh, yeah, she did that. Then a purple gorilla killed Fanboy, we heard about the clock, and here we are."

"Your story is dumb"

"Agreed, but I saw it with my own eyes and it was insanely dramatic." I say.

"...Fine. I will take you to one of her shows. Coincidentally, one is happening nearby."


"By flight yes, but by foot, definitely no"


"Just follow me and my rock friend" Anna says, and the rock guy comes back.


"Ok rock"

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