why do I want my legs torn off

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(guys I am gonna be posting wall posts everyday now cause I'm bored)

Ace Pilot POV

Red Panda was my world. She was my best friend, and we always were there for each other... now shes gone. But I can get her back! I hope... I kinda am losing faith in this clock thing. Part of me knows that it won't be easy. I don't think the clock could be able to revive all of them. Everyone hated me and Red Panda. What if the clock only can revive one person, and everyone chooses to revive delinquent? I can't let that happen. I think I know what I must do.

"You guys should be careful around here" Anna says, and I divert my attention to the present. We are  currently by a very... unstable bridge. I let Anna go first, being the only guide. I go across second. The others go, and then its the humans. The Boi is almost at the end, Hidden Star waiting on him.  The bridge breaks. Hidden Star grabs onto Boi with ease and pulls him up.

"Thanks babe" He says. (yep, you read that) Wait. Didn't something happen between Hidden Star and Phoenix. Oh yeah, its been a year. Of course they moved on. What idiot would be that committed?  We continue walking. I notice  Phoenix looking uncomfortable. Oh my gosh he does still like him.  HA! Wait, it'd be rude to laugh about that.  He lost his mom, and lost his brother a few days ago. And now the only person who ever has had loved him has moved on. I... can relate to that. I'll check on him later. I walk into a tree.

"Ace Pilot, I know things have been hard, but pay attention to where you're going please" Rabble Rouser says.

"Ok, whatever." I say, and walk into another tree just to annoy her.

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