Chapter Fifteen

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The Round Table Roundtable

The starry night sky shed its luminous light over the Maelin Empire's Capital. The streets were completely deserted during this late hour. Only the night critters disturbed the shrouding silence. It was here where a silhouette flashed from street to street at speeds one would perceive as a passing breeze. past. The silhouette then stopped at some dark corner. The shadows concealed them perfectly.

Up ahead was the large perimeter stone wall that enclosed the colossal palace. Two armed soldiers guarded the other back entrance. Even though the area looked deserted, their cold vigilant eyes scrutinized anything and everything. The silhouette then approached and the soldiers were immediately alerted.

"Halt! Who goes there?" one soldier demanded. They couldn't discern the identity of the figure for they had donned a black hooded cloak.

The soldier's demand met deaf ears as the intruder continued to approach. This caused the soldiers to frown and unsheathe their swords.

"Didn't you hear me? Halt this instant and state your name and business here!" the previous soldier ordered again.

Still, the intruder showed no signs of complying and the soldiers took battle stances.

The soldier growled, "Don't blame us then. You were already warned."

The silhouette then smoothly removed the hood and huffed at them, "Step aside, you fool."

The two soldiers felt like lightning had struck them. They both stammered in absolute consternation, "L-Lady General...!!"

Dianne was surprisingly the apparent silhouette. She indifferently passed the shaken soldiers and entered the palace grounds. There was a grave silence all around the courtyard. Only the sound of her heels clicking the tiled ground echoed in the night. When the other patrolling soldiers saw her, they all avoided her like a bad plague.

Dianne entered the castle and ascended the stairs. Before long, she was standing in that familiar plain lobby. Without hesitation, she moved forward and that's when the most bizarre thing happened.

The hallway began spinning and twisting like a whirlpool. Dianne felt like she was being sucked into a vortex, but she was unalarmed. This was the Emperor's magic at work. In order for one to access the last upper floors, they had to pass through this enchantment. The most important chambers were located there.

Everything happened with an instant and Dianne was now standing before a white door. Without any delay, she opened the door and a bright golden light blinded her momentarily. A large hall was behind the door. It looked so exquisite with golden coated walls and numerous enchanted lanterns hovering above in midair. The ceiling was a great wonder. It was open to reveal the starry night sky.

However, the hall was not furnished. There was only a large round oak table with fourteen oak throne chairs arranged perfectly around that was situated in the middle of room. It was quite bizarre, but Dianne's unsurprised face showed it was expected.

"Lady General Dianne Suki," someone suddenly called out. "I see you're as punctual as always."

A middle-aged man in purple robes soon strode into view from one corner of hall. He would've been easily missed given the shadows over there. If Shawn was present, he would've easily recognized the man as that creepy purple robed man.

"Sir Thompson. I see you still fancy hiding in the dark corners like a little creep. Or are you trying to sharpen your covert skills?" Dianne shot a disdainful glance at the man.

"Oh my, your sense of humor never ceases to amaze," the man, referred to as Sir Thompson, countered back with a droning voice. He then sauntered to the table that was filled with refreshments and offered with a crafty grin, "Care for a drink while we wait for the others?"

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