Chapter Thirty-six

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Nighttime Meetings

After surviving the deadly scare, the Capital began rebuilding back to its former glory. Life for the residents could be said was resuming back to normal. Still, a dark shadow lingered in their hearts. What if that was just the beginning of a greater calamity?

Currently, it was nighttime at one seemingly abandoned two-storey building located far south of the city. Four soldiers appeared to be standing guard at the entrance. They were all mages from the magical aura exuding off them. Eyebrows would've been raised why these elite soldiers would be guarding such a tatty building. Well, that tatty and abandoned building was known to most who resided in the Empire. This was where the horrid dungeons lied.

The surrounding desolate area plus the shabby looking structure could easily fool anyone to doubt if it was a prison. However, numerous dungeons were situated deep underground. Although the present number of soldiers guarding the entrance portrayed a poorly manned place, the dungeons were actually impenetrable. Not only were the soldiers strong and highly trained mages, the entrance was enchanted with several defensive formations. Only an idiot would risk trying to breach in.

What's more, the prisoners were chained with magic inhibitors. So, guarding the place required little to no effort. Basically, it was a maximum security prison, just with a few stationed guards.

The four soldiers were chatting leisurely and unworriedly around a small bonfire they setup. The enemy was captured and rotting away in the deepest dungeon below. Moreover, he was chained with the strongest magic inhibitors. It would be a miracle if he even had the strength to stand with his body completely drained off energy. They were unafraid of his allies coming for him because what awaits them here was dust and blood.

One of the soldiers, with a slender build and neck-length brown hair, clicked his tongue and commented while poking the fire, "You know... I still can't fathom how a single brat could cause so much ruin."

"Heh! Quick to scorn are you?" Another dark-skinned soldier with a Mohawk styled black hair scoffed, and then spat the plant herb he was chewing into the fire, which produced some sizzling sound as the cud burned. "Were you not the one almost shitting your pants at the sight of the dragon?"

"Stop yapping baloney, you, stupid cow," the slender brown-haired soldier snapped, but all he got was mocking laughter from the rest.

He then glared at another brawny baldheaded soldier and told him off, "Who are you laughing at, Brista! I can't even stand your neighing laughter. Are you a fucking mare? Go check if the prisoners' food is ready, you baldheaded fuck."

Brista, the brawny baldheaded soldier, grunted back, "Go check it yourself. I am busy."

"Busy doing what, you, big dumb ape?" the slender soldier shit back.

"Laughing at you of course," Brista coolly answered and earned a snicker from the soldier with the Mohawk hair.

"Idiotic fool...!" The slender soldier went livid with fury, but a monotonous sigh soon cut in and drew in their attention.

"I will go," grumbled the other fourth soldier, who stood up from his seat and trod off. "Sitting here listening to you squabbling jerks really gets on my nerves."

Actually, the soldier resembled Brista that one might think them twins. Only that he had ginger hair and a matching red goatee.

"Bro, where are you going?" Brista quickly called after him then cynically expressed after throwing a plant herb into his mouth to chew. "Stay and let's enjoy this mystical herb. Why care if those locked up scum eat or not? They should die for all we care."

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