Spoof 24 (Get the Stick)

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Berrynose: Hey Brambleclaw, come over here!

Brambleclaw: Yeah?

Berrynose: Do you want to do a fun challenge?

Brambleclaw: Sure! What's the challenge?

Berrynose: The challenge is whoever can get Jayfeather's stick away from him first wins.

Brambleclaw: Okay!

Berrynose: Ready, go!

Berrynose: *Runs to Jayfeather's den*

Brambleclaw: *Runs the other way*

Jayfeather: What do you want now Berrynose?!

Berrynose: Jayfeather, you need to see this! There are flying waffles outside!


Jayfeather: So? I can't see them. They pose no threat to me. I'm staying here.

Berrynose: Oh, then... um...

Brambleclaw: Jayfeather! I stepped on a thorn! Could you get it out?!

Jayfeather: Yeah. *Pulls out the thorn and puts cobweb in it* I have to go get some marigold. Brambleclaw, keep the cobweb there until I get back.

Brambleclaw: Okay.

Jayfeather:  *Walks out of his den*

Brambleclaw and Berrynose: *Races for the stick*

Brambleclaw: I got it!!

Jayfeather: *Walks back in with marigold, hears Brambleclaw with the stick and drops the marigold* WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY STICK?!

Brambleclaw: It was Berrynose's idea!

Berrynose: Well, you grabbed the stick first, so we are both to be blamed here.

Jayfeather: Just put the stick down!

Berrynose: Run Brambleclaw! We can finally figure out the secret of the stick!

Berrynose and Brambleclaw: *Runs with the stick*

Jayfeather: * Is super angry* GET BACK HERE WITH MY STICK!!

Brambleclaw and Berrynose: No!

Stick: *Starts flying out of Brambleclaw's grasp and back to Jayfeather.*

Brambleclaw and Berrynose: O-O The stick can move?!

Jayfeather: Uh... *Runs back to his den with the stick*

Berrynose: ..... I think we figured out the secret to the stick.

Brambleclaw: What? We did?

Berrynose: Well, the stick moved, so that means it is alive. I figured it out!

Brambleclaw: Oh okay!

*Later that night*

Jayfeather: Pretending that the stick could move was a great decoy. Now they will never know the real secret about the stick. >:)

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