Spoof 33 (Box pt. 1)

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*On Patrol*

Brambleclaw: Okay, it looks like everything's- hey what's that? *Pokes the box*

Thornclaw: I don't know. It's very square-like.

Dovewing: Let's take it back to Firestar. Maybe he knows.

*Back at camp*

Firestar: Hmm... I'm not sure what it is. It's folded at the top, maybe it opens. *Paws at the top*

Box: *Opens*

Brambleclaw: What's inside?

Firestar: Nothing.

Thornclaw: Nothing?

Firestar: Yeah.

Brambleclaw: Aw! I hoped that there would be something inside. *Jumps inside* Hey, this isn't that bad! *Sits*

Dovewing: What do you mean?

Brambleclaw: It's kind of comfy.

Dovewing: Can I try?

Brambleclaw: Yeah! *Jumps out*

Dovewing: *Jumps in* You're right! It is comfy! We just need to add some moss and feathers, then we could use it as a nest!

Firestar: We could use this as a nest. I'll get some apprentices to gather some moss and feathers.

Dovewing: Just one question. Can it withstand rain?

Firestar: I don't know. We should test it next time it rains.

Thornclaw: Well we don't have to wait long. The clouds are really dark.

*Starts raining*

Brambleclaw: Wow, it soaks up water really fast!


Brambleclaw: I'm going to get in it to test it! *Jumps in*

Box: *Falls apart *

Firestar: It can't withstand rain.

Dovewing: That's too bad. It would have made a good nest.

Brambleclaw: We should find another one!

Thornclaw: But it will just fall apart when it rains again.

Brambleclaw: Oh, right... I'll find something!

To be continued...

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