Spoof 42 (Fortune Teller)

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Hollyleaf: Cats of Thunderclan! Step right up to get your fortune from Jayfeather the Fortune Teller!

Jayfeather: I only agreed to this because Hollyleaf promised to collect herbs for me afterwards.

Hollyleaf: We have our first customer! Firestar! Ask away!

Firestar: Hello Jayfeather the Fortune Teller. My question for you is, will Berrynose escape from the twoleg place before his five moons are up?

Jayfeather: No he will not.

Firestar: Okay thanks!

Hollyleaf: Your cost is one ball of moss for Jayfeather's nest.

Firestar: *Drops moss and walks away*

Hollyleaf: Next up we have Dovewing!

Dovewing: Hello Jayfeather the Fortune Teller. My question is, what is the real color of my eyes?

Jayfeather: It's been a long and difficult debate, but I believe that the real color of your eyes are green.

Dovewing: I knew it! Thank you Jayfeather! *Drops moss and walks off*

Hollyleaf: Next up we have Squirrelflight!

Squirrelflight: Hello Jayfeather the Fortune Teller. My question for you is, does Brambleclaw really love me?

Jayfeather: Despite your arguments, yes, he really does love you.

Squirrelflight: Thank you Jayfeather! I knew I could count on you! *Drops moss and walks off*

Hollyleaf: That's all for today everyone! Jayfeather the Fortune Teller will answer more questions at the next claw moon!

*Later that night, in Jayfeather's dream*

Jayfeather: Where am I?

Brokenstar: You are in the Dark Forest, Jayfeather.

Jayfeather: *Snarls* I will never join you and that's final!

Brokenstar: Actually, I heard that you are a fortune teller. Could I ask you a question?

Jayfeather: Oh... Okay.

Brokenstar: Will the Dark Forest rise up and finally take over?

Jayfeather: I cannot answer that.

Brokenstar: Oh come on! Just a hint?

Jayfeather: Sorry, one of Jayfeather the Fortune Teller's rules is no spoiling anything. Bye now.

*Wakes up*

Jayfeather: Phew that was close.

Hollyleaf: Until next time!

Jayfeather: Hollyleaf? When did you get in here?

Hollyleaf: I said until next time!

Jayfeather: I want to know!

Hollyleaf: I'll tell you, let me just end this spoof first. See you next time everyone!

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