|1| Super Powers?

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Hello and welcome to My Happiness Kusuo Saiki X Reader. I have decided to make this as Saiki is one of my anime husbands XD but also because I have asked you guys if this would be something you would like and most of you did so here it is!

So the story will either be in Saiki's point of view or yours or even no ones but mostly no ones. When the words or phrases or in italics, they are thoughts but I'll make sure everything is clearly and easy to understand and who's thoughts are who but the thoughts will mostly be of yours and Saiki's so I do hope you all enjoy this.

<><Saiki's POV><>

"Huh? Is the nurse dead too, that's weird. Guess I have to do mouth to mouth myself," Nendo says as he hold Takahashi as we all made our way into the nurses office.

Please don't, I say mostly to myself then to them. I just feel bad for Takahashi but you know, better him than me.

"Mouth to mouth?" someone else says to themselves, getting all our attention. I look at her and notice how I have never seen her before but that's when I knew it, she's a new student and she look confused at the situation here.

Wait, why is she here in the first place? I tried reading her mind but I got nothing. She doesn't look like an idiot but I really hope she's not. I can't handle another Nendo.

"I don't need mouth to mouth, you stupid idiot!" Takahashi yells as he pushes Nendo away from him. Nendo falls on the ground but the bed. The girl just stands there and watches the whole thing. Did they forget she's in the room?

Takahashi runs to the sick and starts puking and then cleaning his mouth with the water.

"You're feeling better, that's good to seem," Nendo says casually on the ground.

"Of course I'm better! I was faking!" Takahashi tells him, "But it wasn't worth it because I got kissed by you!" Takahashi says in disgust.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm sad too. You were my first kiss," Nendo tells him which just made Takahashi puke once again.

You're only making it worst Nendo, I say to myself once again but I quickly look at the girl when I heard her thought.

Don't laugh out loud... Don't do it it, she tells herself as she tries to take deep breaths. Well, seems like I'm invisible so I better leave before they actually remember I'm in the room. I might cause trouble for them and they might cause trouble for me as well... she says to herself as she tries to make her exit.

Tarahashi complains and tells me not to say anything but it didn't really matter as the gym teacher Matsuzaki heard everything and he gets inside the nurses office.

"I heard it all! So you were just faking everything, huh?!" Matsuzaki says looking down on Takahashi.

"No! It's not like that sir! It's his fault," Tarahashi says pointing at Nendo, "He forced me to collapse so that he can skip out on the principal's speech so my sickness is actually fake," Takahashi says while fake crying as he puts the blame on Nendo.

"Nendo, is that all true?" Matsuzaki ask Nendo.

Blaming this on Nendo isn't a half bad idea, I say to myself as I just stay quiet.

"Huh? Saiki? What are you doing here?" Matsuzaki ask as he notices me and I look at him but before he could say anything else, "(Name), you too?" he says as he notices the girl in the room. "Takahashi, are they also in this?" Matsuzaki ask him.

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