Chapter 1

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Zayn's mom called from down stairs.

"Zayn honey get in the car or your gonna be late. "

While Zayn's mother was calling him, Zayn was in his washroom fixing his hair making sure it was perfect for his first day in collage. He made sure it was in a perfect quiff like usual. After a few more tries, he finally liked his hair. Speaking of it, he was actually glad his blonde streak went away. He really didn't like it.

Zayn had everything packed and ready the day before, he was ready for this day.

Before Zayn left his room he took one last look around his room making sure he had everything, he wasn't really happy with the idea that he was gonna live on campus. He loved his sisters and he wasn't ready to say goodbye to his mother. Zayn then took one last look in the mirror making sure his hair wasn't messed up then left his room.

"Thank god your here, I thought I would have to drag you down." Zayn's mother said teasingly.

"Mum I told you its a two hour drive here to the school and by the time I get there I would have an hour to spear." Zayn said while rolling his eyes.

"I know honey just making sure your my only son and is off to collage. " His mother said while using the back of her hand to wipe the tears away.

"Mom it's alright, oh god don't cry we been this though before, I get ready in the morning get down stairs say good bye to Waliyha and Safaa, get in the car drive off to college and say goodbye to you there." Zayn didn't want to say anything, but he was gonna miss his mom.

"I'm sorry honey okay now get in the car, I will take your bags and say goodbye to your sisters."
And with that Zayn ran into the kitchen where he saw his two sisters eating breakfast.

"Okay guys give me a hug I am gonna go." Zayn raises his voice getting attention from his sisters.

"What NOO Zayn oh my god I am gonna miss you sooo much." Safaa said while getting off the kitchen table and hugging her older brother.

"I know I'm gonna miss you too." Zayn said while leaning down to hug Safaa much tighter.

"Does this have to be goodbye forever." Waliyha finally put down her spoon and looked at her siblings.

"Well I will be visiting you guys on holidays." Zayn said matter-of-factly while releasing Safaa and taking Waliyha in for a hug.

"Bye Zayn I am gonna miss you so much love you."

"Gonna miss you to both of you" Zayn said kneeling down to be eye level with them.

"Make sure you both be good and listen to mum, be good in school!" Zayn said while running off hearing his mom calling from the doorway.

While putting on his shoes, Zayn kept telling himself as soon as he gets there to make sure he called his friends. He was glad they all got excepted, especially Niall, his boyfriend.

Zayn then got his backpack swung it over his shoulder and ran through the door.


"Mum okay you could go now I have everything." Zayn says while lifting up his bag and putting it over his shoulder while leaving the car.

"Fine now bye Zayn make sure if anything goes wrong call me, text me or Waliyha-"

"MOM I said I am fine now bye." Zayn interrupts her as he kisses his mom on the checks.

"Bye love you Zayn." She coos.

"Love you too mum."

While his mum drove off, Zayn picked up his bags and started walking around the campus to get to know it better. After a while looking at his buildings he would be having classes at, he went to the dorm building to find his.

"234,234,234,234" Zayn kept saying while passing lots of brown wooden doors. Zayn could feel his palms sweating feeling scared who his roommate might be.
When Zayn finally found the dorm room 234 he heard music coming from the door and thought that his roommate was probably in there. Before Zayn opens the door, he mentally took a note reminding him to text Niall. Once he opened the door he dropped his bags his gaze fell on a familiar pair of brown eyes.

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