Chapter 1- Introduction

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Dear Diary,
Hi, my name is Crystal, Crystal Woods, (I know, weird name) this is my first ever diary, I was never into these things until I read the Diary Of Anne Frank. I thought to myself, what if something happens to me and my family? I should document it but I don't think anything interesting will happen with my life because i'm just an average teenager. Wait, maybe I should describe myself, in case this does get published, hmmmmm let me see, I am 17 years old, I come from Leicester, (its in England, next to Nottingham), I work in Starbucks as a barista. Now for my apperance: I have dark brown elbow length curly hair, dark brown eyes, I wear glasses all the time, I am quite tall and a bit on the chubby side but I don't care what other people say/think.

I don't really know what else to say, since it's the holiday's which for me is usually watching tv and obsessing over celebs like Grant Gustin aka the Flash, aka Barry Allen aka OMG THE HOTTEST MAN EVER!!!!!! Anyway, at least I have work tomorrow so I won't be bored out of my mind. Maybe I can write about that but let me tell you something, the highlight of my last week was when my boss slipped on coffee the sugar fell on top of him, leaving him a sticky mess! It was sooooooo funny, I wish you could've been there! Wait Crystal, who are you even talking to? Anyway, maybe I should end this diary entry, I have to go eat dinner now so..... bye!

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