chapter 9

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"Ha Ha Ha" I sarcastically laughed

"Yes" she said pouring herself a glass of water.

"Im working on my assignment can't you see?" I asked her,pointing towards my laptop that was on the counter.

"I can but, weren't you the one who agreed to let me have you whenever I want wherever I want?" She asked taking a sip from the water and putting it back down,looking at me with those brown eyes burning through my soul.

Heh,she thought I would back down when my assignment is in front of me hell no.

"Im sorry,No you Will not touch me today because i have a assignment to complete" i said looking at her just to find her smirking.

She walked her way towards me putting her hand on my waist pulling me closer,I'm trying to push her away which is not happening because she's strong.

She leans in and captures my lips in hers,placing me on the counter top my hands grabbing her nape pulling her closer.

We kissed for what felt like hours until she started unbuttoning the top with one hand,pulling away from our kiss I realized I had swollen lips.

She was almost done unbuttoning the top when the door bell rang thrice.

"Fuck" i heard her curse under her breath I jumped of the counter and rushed towards the door where the person is ringing the bell consistently
And open the door still in a mess.

I opened the door just to find Irene and seulgi behind her.

"What are you doing here" I asked trying to calm myself down.

"I live here" she replied in a duh tone
I nodded "Yes,I know that but weren't you supposed to like stay at seulgi's this week?" I asked her but she shook me off and pushed me to the side and walked inside and I closed my eyes and closed the door breathing in and out trying to not panic.

I saw Lisa sitting on the couch Irene looking towards me raising an eyebrow clearly questioning how I'm looking and why Lisa is here and if what she's thinking is right.

Seulgi looked like she was super confused.

"May I have a word with my sister?"
Seulgi asked glaring at her sister who just shrugged in return

"Um sure" I said then she dragged Lisa towards the kitchen.

Irene looked at me " you and me will have a long ass talk"

I gulped "Okay"

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