Chapter 49

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Today I woke up at 7 am, I was still inside Lisa's house since I usually wake up early for college, I have tons of thing's to do first I do yoga.

The second important thing is breakfast, I cooked myself a fried egg and some salad I sat down and ate my breakfast after I finished eating I went back upstairs to change my clothes.

After changing my clothes I went to the mirror and quickly put my hair into a pony tail I looked back to see Lisa sleeping peacefully, so I tiptoed to the side table and pick up my phone slowly trying my best not to wake Lisa up.

I took my bag checked if the books are set according to my schedule.

Afterwards, I quickly rushed outside "oh fuck me" I cursed it was raining ugh why is my luck so bad!

I quickly rushed to the bus stop in the rain because I couldn't find an umbrella stupid I know.

I was shivering as the rain got more heavy it was so windy I was standing under the roof of the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive.

Guess what I had to walk my way to college because the freaking bus wasn't arriving, I waited 30 minutes for nothing I was in such a rush that I decided to walk in the heavy rain.

My clothes are a little wet so as my bag, my book aren't that wet when I reached college I was well guess what? I was again bullied.

I walked my way to the class and saw Irene so I sat beside her she was looking at me wide eyed "what how when?" Irene whispered to me I just slumped in my chair "rain" i said putting my head on the desk.

"Oh, well who told you to walk in the rain I could've picked you up" irene said I just shook my head "it would probably trouble you" i replied and looked up to see the professor enter so we all greeted him.

Irene sighed and looked in front too, I took out my text book the professor pointed at me to start reading where we left from and so I did.
9 hours later it was 3:15 pm and college just ended, I took a ride with Irene and she dropped me at jisoo's penthouse.

I put in the security password and entered inside offers jisoo unnie is at work I made some coffee for myself and sat down on my bed technically I come in jisoo's house on Friday's or Thursday's we watch movies or simply play games on phone's to get our mind off of certain thing's.

I was thinking of telling Lisa about who I really am but I have this fear she would hate me would she? I don't know.

I was thinking of telling my father, I already met someone, maybe she's not the perfect person, nor the person who is good in everything but she treated me right and I love her for that she loves me a lot and it shows and that's all I care about.

I called my father's personal assistant and he picked up right away "hey yoosung! It's nice to call you again after 2 years i need to know my fathers schedule" i told yoosung who's been my fathers assistant since 3 years already "miss kim, He's free for the evening" yoosung replied to me in his usual monotone voice and I nodded though he cannot see me.

"Okay arrange me a meeting with him I'll be there by 5:30" i told him and soon hung up.

2 hours later it was almost time for me and my father's meeting so I decided to wear something casual I wore a tank top with silver writing on it, I took my acid wash denim jacket and my favorite pair of black ripped jeans.

I took a cab to the j.k beauty looking outside the window I saw it's still raining, which is making the weather in Seoul a bit foggy however it's not as heavy as it was in the morning.

The car arrived just outside j.k beauty I paid the driver and mumbled a small 'thank you' before walking inside I opened the entrance door and went straight to the reception "hi, I have an appointment with Mr.Kim at 5:30" I said to the receptionist who was talking on the phone.

"Uh, yes ma'am, may I know your name?" The receptionist asked me "ruby Jane Kim" I answered she slowly nodded before going back to the phone.

"Okay Ms.Kim you can go President Kims office is on the 10th floor" the receptionist answered, I nodded before leaving the reception desk and walking to the elevator I pressed the button to the 10th floor and waited.

I soon reached outside the office, I sighed 'you can do this Jen' I slightly opened the door and walked in my father was doing the usual working.

"Dad, " I called out my father, he looked up from his paperwork blinking to check if it really is me.
"We have to talk about something...." I said



I woke up and found that ruby isn't beside me so I looked at the time and realized that she still has college unlike me who has already graduated.
I got up from the bed did my usual routine and went downstairs I saw a cup covered with a small plate it had a note on top of it.

'I had college, so I left early, I made you some pancakes they are in the microwave so they stay fresh love you!

- Ruby Jane Kim'

I smiled slightly I took out my breakfast and ate it ruby's a great cook, I just love my baby's cooking.
I laughed at my own thought just yesterday I asked her to be my girlfriend and the next day I'm having every thought about her.

Then I remember I let those idiot's of easily not today they should learn this not some joke.

I called up mine and told her  to gather everyone up in our hide out.

As soon as I reached there I stood in front sehun i slapped him "this is not a fucking game you morons!" I yelled "this is not some magical universe where anything can be fixed  specially you!" I shouted pointing at bambam "you thought blowing up a gas station was fucking funny!?" I yelled "both of you will now not do anything you guys are not going to any missions do you get me!?" I shouted they slowly nodded.

"Also rosé where were you when that mino Minho whatever his name is escaping!?" I asked her, she looked at me "I don't know okay? I was right next to him and I just don't know when, what and how that happened!" Rosé replied to me.

"Okay, what happened with the Kim twins killing situation" I asked I was seriously worried some innocent people might get hurt even though I don't believe they might be innocent in any way.
"We are working on finding the second heir I feel like mine knew more than he showed" Yuna said I nodded.

"I need their information as soon as possible!" I ordered and they all nodded and went back to doing their thing's.

"Lisa" I heard a familiar voice it was my sister...

Third person pov

Little did they know someone recorded half of their converstaion and edited it and sent it to Jennie already.

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