Chapter 23

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I felt guilty that we couldn't find her
Im sorry ruby because of me you got yourself into this mess but how did they know about ruby thats my question.I went somewhere near the abandoned hospital because there is a river near and when i got there i saw 2 guys chasing something or someone.

I look behind to see they're chasing a girl.

I rushed my car from somewhere the guys cant see me.

I parked my car on the the other side and rushed to see that where the girl was i felt like someone was behind me so pulled my gun out and pointed it on the person's head.

"Please don't kill me!" The person yelled wait ruby.

"Ruby?" I asked she turned around wide eyed and froze.

She hugged me she was crying.

"My foot hurts" she said i pulled away from the hug to see that her foot is bleeding.

"Come on let's go I'll take care of that if you want you can tell me what happend you were gone for weeks i heard from irene that you were missing and i thought it's my fault im so sorry i dragged you into this mess" is stopped talking midway when i realized i said too much.

"What mess what are you talking about?" She asked raising a eyebrow

"Ruby let's go before someone sees you again I'll bandage you up and call a doctor to check your health its been almost 2 weeks since you have been gone" she was more schocked hearing that.

"What? 2 weeks!" She yelled i had to put a hand on her mouth.

"Do you want those guys to chase after you!,no right then lower your voice!" I whisper yelled at her.

I don't know what possessed me that i carried her to my car she was just there frozen looking at me weirdly.

"Come on get in the car" i said getting inside.

"Where are we going?" She asked

"My house" i simply answered focusing on the road.

The rest of the ride was silent.

We reached my house the doctor visited and told her to rest gave her a few medicines i told her that I'll tell Irene that she's fine.

She was lying on the bed sleeping.

I smiled and closed the lights,carefully closing the door.

I went to the study room me and rosé were talking about who kidnapped her because no body knew about her.

Rosé suggested that maybe yang's men did but i wasnt convinced.

Yang's men knew nothing about us or our lives.

Now back to present time i was still working on e-mails but i was bored in my study room so i thought why not take the laptop downstairs and drink a coffee as i was walking downstairs i smelled something cooking.

I told nancy to take a day off then who's cooking here?

I walked down the stairs to see ruby
I frowned.

"Ruby why are you here you should rest" i said making her flinch.

"You scared me!" She said i just stood there waiting for her answer.

"I was hungry." She said turning back around cooking what ever she was cooking.

"I'm making kimchi salad with some fried rice i was hungry" she said

"Fine" i felt lazy so i lazily moved to her and hugged her from behind.

"I want stay like this forever" i said in a baby voice.

"Silly you dont look cute you look dumb" she said taking out plates and serving me and her.

I stepped forward she stepped back till her back hit the kitchen counter.

"Can you repeat that" i whispered in her ear trailing ny finger from her face to her neck.

"you dont look cute you look dumb" she said smirking.

"Well someone likes to get punished"
I said making her gulp.

I laughed out loud "hahhahahaha" i couldn't stop laughing.

"Your already injured sweetheart i don't want to injure you more just dont mess with my control" i smiled slightly kissing her cheeks taking the plate from the counter and eating the food while she was stomping around like a grumpy cat.

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