Chapter 44

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F l a s h b a c k

Third person pov

It was a dark and gloomy night, stars covered by the clouds there somewhere in seoul in a underground  basement placed a fight.

The room was in a uproar excited to see which strong man will fight next but the result disappointed them alot.

They saw blonde thai enter the dark room with a pink haired korean.

The blonde still didn't utter a word.

She took off her black jacket handing it over to the korean girl standing beside her, keeping her head high she inhaled and walked straight towards the circle where the light is she crossed her arms up to her chest tapping her foot getting impatient waiting for the fight to begin.

Meanwhile there was a certain someone in the corner concerned for his clubs reputation he had cold beads of sweat he turned to the korean next to him and asked "are you sure she can fight?" The pink haired girl just nodded and looked in front.

A bunch of guys appeared out of Nowhere. '10 hmm, not bad..." Lisa thought to herself before she noticed the guys faces contained ridicule they were eyeing her up and down looking at her disgustingly she then started cracking her knuckles which made the guys flinch.

Their reaction caused Lisa to smirk "come fight me cowards" she hissed at them and stood there the guys casually surrounded her one man started swaying his body and threw a punch the blonde caught the man's fist and back tide it before she twisted it before kicking him on his stomach.

She suddenly kicked a man in the back, making him fall on the other guy and he falls on another she slightly scrunched her nose up smiling, satisfied with the result, she kicked the one guy at least five times in the back with her boots.

Soon she had beaten up five of them 'five more to go' Lisa thought to herself before she straightens her leg and spins it in the air, kicking the guy on the side of his  face making him spit out blood.
The other 2 ran away just by seeing what happened to their friend's.

The first man she fought soon got recovered and ran in full force to punch her face, but she caught his fist cupping his face, her jaw clenched before she mumbled "don't touch me"

She harshly threw the guy on the cold hard floor, wiping the blood on the corner of her mouth before putting her jacket back on and leaving with the pink head.

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