Chapter 39- entering the nest

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(Y/N) POV:

Packing for a few days takes a lot more time and hassle than I'd ever expected or anticipated. I didn't expect my mates to hover half-protective, half-intrigued as I slowly made my way around my room, Jimin tagging along with one hand tightly intertwined with my own. That's another distraction entirely- the way his hand somehow wraps mine up securely, a touch that's soft and gentle but also slightly tight in the way he doesn't let them separate for a single moment. The constant tingles and warmth that the touch causes keeps distracting my attention and several times I make small, furtive glances in disbelief- as if I can't believe that of all people, Jimin is the one I'm holding hands with. 

And then when I finally am able to banish the others from my room, their larger frames posing as obstacles that made navigating the room even more difficult, they retreat but there's still two more vampire shapes obstacles in the form of JB oppa and Gyeomie who are tracking our movements very closely and MJ oppa is perched happily on my bed with a lapful of mate.

But those four pairs of eyes don't burn as intensely as the one trained from my side, I can feel the constant darts, long stares, and lingering eyes- most of the time not even wavering when I catch him out on it. But after having grabbed enough changes of clothes, I dither when I realise I still am to approach my underwear drawer- having skirted it when Jimin decided to peek over my shoulder when I'd nearly opened it- hands frantically diving for the toiletries instead.

But then salvation comes when Eunwoo comes bounding over, his tall easy frame somehow worming in between the gap where Jimin and I stand, Jimin's hand squeezing mine in surprise at the sudden weight he bears on top and over the shoulder Eunwoo shoots me a soft smile, that's understanding. I gratefully smile back, yanking the drawer open and grabbing some pairs that sit at the top, shoving them deep into the crevices of my bag when I make a mad dash back- dragging Jimin along.

And a blush threatens to colour my cheeks when I spot a scrap of pink lace poking out just as Jimin turns but MJ oppa deftly shoves a large sweater on top- one I recognise as Mark oppa's and pushes down, hiding it from view- smiling sweetly, winking when our eyes meet.

All these small sweet gestures just remind me that I'm surrounded by loving people who have my back. These few days I can get through, it's not like I'm walking into a dragon's nest....I'm going to set foot into a nest that belongs to my mates, that one day might be mine too. A home they'd called it for me- clearly telling me that for them, I belonged. 

But who knew saying goodbye to the four walls you called your own, even for a small period of time, would hurt? And when I see Youngjae oppa tuck Gyeomie close when his lip begins to wobble- I feel guilt and sorrow, and twist away to hide the betraying sting in my eyes. JB oppa brushes a kiss across my forehead, holding me close for a few moments and then I allow them to take me to their nest.


When we reach the familiar large house, I feel both a lurch of excitement and nervousness- this is their territory, their safest place where they're comfortable and at ease. And I wonder if they're going to leave me alone with Jimin and split off to do their own things and I'll be resigned to having to endure through a stilted, awkward passing of time.

But that doesn't happen. When Jimin offers to drop my bag off to his room, which I realise with a bolt of sharp stinging fear is where I'll have to sleep for tonight at the very least, I shakily nod, trudging behind him with small slow footsteps. But the ambience is lightened when Jungkook and Taehyung bustle after us, their cheery voices filtering through the rising panic and unease.

"Once you've put your stuff down, let's do something together." Taehyung proposes with a wide grin and earnest face, beside him Jungkook nods eagerly- shooting me a heart-wrenchingly sweet smile and eyes that twinkle with hope.

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