Chapter 33

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I walk/run to Newt's room to change right after the lake.

I shut the door then lock it...and moved the dresser in front of it. I get on my hands and knees and search for the box. Finally I found the brown long sleeve and leggings.

I was halfway in putting my top on (without pants btw) when I heard someone try to open the door.

"What the-" I heard from outside of the door.

"You can't come in," I yell and quickly put on my clothes and boots. I rush over to the door and push the dresser out of the way, creating a squealing sound of wood on wood. Then, I unlock the door and open it to see a confused Newt.

"Hiya," I say waving.

"What was that sound," he asks.

"The dresser, I locked the door too, I didn't want Minho to walk in on me or something and I didn't trust the lock," I explain. I plop onto the bed.

"You know you don't kiss someone then run," he says.

"Well, I did so..." I reply staring at the ceiling.


"Did you say something," I ask looking up...only to see him without a shirt. Quickly I look at the ceiling.

"No," he answers. Good...he didn't notice.

I grab a pillow from behind me and throw it at Newt. It hits it target.

"SCORE!" I yell.

"What is it with you and throwing things at me," he asks. I shrug.

"Well, I'm going to ask Frypan if I can freeze an orange in his fridge," I say getting up.

"Wha- why?"

"To chuck at annoying people," I answer leaving.

"You're insane," he mutters.

"Why thank you!"

**Someones POV**

"When is she going to release the power, she's ruining the cycle!"

"Be patient...soon."

"How soon." The women spits angrily.

"She has to fall for the boy, without help...naturally."

"Loki, I'm questioning if teaming up with you was a good idea, if it means sacrificing the trials then-"

"It will go back to a regular cycle after...remember, we missed our chance a generation ago...I will not wait again," Loki says.

"You better be right, or I-"

"What? I'm a can't harm me...we're almost there, maybe tonight or tomorrow but soon she'll start changing." Loki explains... "Soon."

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