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"Ryan, start the car", saying this Adam threw the keys of the car towards him, and picked Olivia in his arms, while we ran towards the car. I stepped in the car and got to the extreme end of the seat, and Adam placed Olivia in the car with her head in my lap, and rushed towards the passenger's seat.

We reached the hospital in 5 minutes, and Adam picked Olivia in his arms again and we ran towards the emergency ward. The doctor and nurses took her in, and asked us to wait outside.

"Shit man, It's all my fault, I didn't even check on her, she called me, she wanted help man, and all I did was playing a fucking stupid video game", I said as tears started rolling out of my eyes.

"sh sh sh shhhhh, It's okay Lue, It isn't your fault, stop crying", Ryan hugged me trying to calm me down.

"Heeyyy Lue, don't cry, she is gonna be fine", Adam said and Ryan made me sit between both of them.

The doctor came out of her ward after 5 minutes, " She passed out due to fear possibly, and is out of danger, but she has bruises on her body, probaby due to hitting on a hard surface after she passed out."

"Can we see her?", Adam asked.

"Yes you can, we have given her an injection though, so she will be in sleep for a hour or so"

"Okay, thank you doctor", Adam said and we entered the ward where Olivi was lying.

"I'll inform her parents", Ryan said making a call. And another.

"They aren't picking up, I leave a voicemail", he continued.

We waited for Olivia in the blue light lit room of the hospital, with Adam standing near the blinds of the window. I could make out that it was dark already, as no light was being eliminated through the closed blinds. I looked around the room to find the clock which suggested it was quator to 8. I screamed in pained as Ryan dropped his sleep head on my right shoulder.

"Hey? It's a hospital, keep your voice low", he said placing his head again on my paining shoulder and I jerked him off in the opposite direction.

"Oh damn, Lue you fell off the stairs", Adam remembered, and rushed towards me from the opposite end of the room, while Ryan opened his eyes and give me an apologetic look.

"It's fine guys, just a bruise I guess", I said, while I was being scanned by the two 18 year old doctors. My right arm in Ryan's hand and my left leg in Adam's.

"She got hurt her", Ryan said while running his fingers softly on the blue spot on my arm.

"She fell on her right side, explains much", Adam said.

I noticed Olivia move and moved towards her in a sudden movement.

"Olivia? Guys she is up, call the doctor", I said and Ryan at once rushed out.

The doctor talked to her, asking her how she felt, and asked her to take the medicine on time for the headache and soreness in her body to go away.

"You can take her home", the doctor said and left the room.

"Hey, Olivia, what happened?", I asked her.

"I.... I'm ... I saw her", she whispered, only to be heard by me. I looked at the guys, wh were frowning, waiting for me to say something.

"Olivia, lets take you home", I said to her.

"No, you are not understanding I fucking SAW HER, Lucy", this time she screamed angrily, almost breaking into crying.

"The one you saw in the cave?", I asked her.

"She was right in front of me, smiling at me, telling me that I can't lie anymore, and that I will pay for my sins."

"What the hell is she talking about?", Ryan said expecting me to clear the confusion here.

"Olivia, ahhmm , she saw a women in the cave when she was about to kiss Carter, and that, rather she terrified her", I told them, Olivia still crying with her head in her hands, sitting on the hospital bed.

"Maybe she is hallucinating", Ryan said.

"Olivia, we need to know what exactly happened today?", Adam asked with concern in his tone.

"I don't want to talk about it please", She said still crying.

"Let's take her home", I said.

"Where is Carter?"

"Fuck, we forgot the main guy here", Ryan said.

"RYAN, How the fuck did you forget him?", I asked.

"LUCY, as if you fucking remembered him.", Ryan said mimicking me, earning an elbow on his chest from Adam, "How could you forget?", he said.

"OUCH, bloody hell", Ryan cried in pain.

"I'll get her clothes", saying this I placed Olivia's clothes in my arm, while Ryan and Adam helped Olivia get up from the bed. After changing her clothes, we stepped outside the hospital. The drive was quiet with Adam driving and Ryan on the passenger's seat, and Olivia and I on the back seat of the car.

We reached Olivia'a house at half past 8, to find her parents and Carter worried to see the condition of their daughter and the house. We stayed with her while she was interrogated of what had happened there by her parents. She said she didn't remember anything after she slipped of the stairs.

After her parents hugged her the millionth time and thanked us for taking her to the hospital, they left us with Olivia in her room alone to fix the condition of the house.

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