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Ryan was busy in allotting the spaces to the volunteers for the setting up of their respective corners, and I was distributing the posters and helping the setting up of each counter when we got a call from the office saying that the principle wanted to see us. We texted Adam but he didn't respond, and we had to give the performance report by ourselves to the board of events and the principle. The board suggested some changes and asked us to come back tomorrow after putting them in effect.

"Where is Adam?", Ryan asked, and I tried calling on his number.Mrs. Grant answered the call. She informed me that due to the increase in the number of nightmares Adam was experiencing for a few nights now, he has been advised to see a doctor. But she assured me that he will be back to school the next day. I told this to Ryan. Carter and Olivia offered to step in for the day  to fill Adam's duties for the event. The pressure was now divided and Ryan and I went home satisfied with the progress.

We agreed on meeting in the evening at Adam's . Olivia and I stepped in to Adam's room escorted by Mr. Dankforth, only to find Mr. an Mrs. Grant with him.

We wished them and they left us alone with him in his room. A few minutes later the door opened to reveal Ryan and Carter. The five of us talk about school, and told Adam of how Olivia and Carter were working better than they ever have for the preparations of the fest.

"What happened?", Olivia asked

"I'm ... getting bad dreams", Adam said.
"And what do you see, like what happens in those dreams?", I asked him, but he didn't answer that, rather he looked down on his fingers.
"Hey, Adam what happened?", Carter said looking at him with concern.
"Listen, if it is about a girl, you know who you have to talk to", Ryan said, making Adam chuckle.
As much as I adored Adam for being the backbone of our little family of 5, I appreciated the way Ryan would understand the intensity of situations and how wonderfully he would lighten up the mood with his little jerk jokes.I was looking at Ryan with admiration, when Olivia cleared her throat to get me out of my thoughts. No one else in the room saw that and I couldn't be more happier.We left Adam's house when he said he was fine and would do with out us just fine. He said he would met us at school tomorrow and that he would kill us if we hadn't performed our roles properly today. Hearing this the four of us looked at each other, as if talking his warning seriously and we laughed.We met Adam at school the next day.

Since we had the privilege to attend no classes and on top of that the counters were set, the arrangements were made, the posters were ready, only the ferries wheel and the swings had to be set up by the professionals, but that was to be done on Saturday. So we had a lot of time on our hands.
We, were sitting on the grass field in the campus lawn when we heard someone scream. It was a heavy voice. Before we reached there was a huge crowd outside the boy's locker room. Stepping in we saw Carter drenched in blood, coming from his chest.
"Oh My God, Carter",Olivia said.
"Shit", said Ryan.
"Carter", Adam called out.
"Guys, please move back", I said pushing the crowd back.

We picked him up and got him to the hospital. The doctors treated his wound, which was made from a sharp metallic object as stated by them. He was fine but had to stay in the hospital for the night to get the wound clean up after regular interval, and to do the first aid after that.We stayed with him until his mom arrived. His dad had left town a few years back leaving the two alone. Adam and Ryan decided to stay there for the night to help his mom.I drove Olivia home, before coming home.

The next morning my mother asked me to take the breakfast basket she had prepared to the hospital with me, before going to school. She knew what happened with Carter, and she told me that his mom has confirmed he couldn't see who did this to him, as he blacked out and doesn't remember anything.

Strange, did he black out due to shock, or did someone drug him, I thought. My mom clicked me out of my thoughts and I did as I was told.

I knocked on the door before entering in. Ryan and Adam looked terrible and when I say this I mean this. They both looked like they hadn't slept the whole night.

"What happened to you two", I asked.

"The chair isn't comfortable, definitely not to sleep", Ryan said holding his back in one hand and trying to stretch in the opposite direction and Adam nodded.

"Where is Mrs. Johnson?", I asked them.

"She had to attend a call, she will be back",they said.

"Morning Carter, How are you?", I asked him.

"Better", he said smiling at me.

"I brought breakfast", I said as I started emptying the contents of the basket on the chair.

"Hi Lucy, you brought breakfast?", said Mrs. Johnson as she stepped inside the room.

"Thank your mom for me, I'll call her thought", she said.

After they were done, I drove Adam and Ryan to Adam's house as the two desperately needed a bath. I waited for them in on the couch and they were done in 20 minutes.

Carter was to be discharged from the hospital today. His wound wasn't in a very good condition, but he was getting better. Since the wound wasn't deep , he didn't need any stitches, so that meant it would heal fast. I called Olivia, and she told me she would be with Carter till he is discharged.

We went to school,made the final arrangements. Everything was set. And we couldn't have been happier with our hard work. We submitted the final rounding of the finances in the Principle's office.

It was almost half day when we found something disturbing about Carter.

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