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She leaned against the tall window pane, and sighed before continuing.

"I was 10 years old, a child, you know how children are, curious, so I went in the cave once when I was small and touched the inscriptions on the wall of the cave, nothing happened, but when my mother came running after me trying to catch me she, touched the inscriptions, and all I saw was blood. She told me it was nothing. But after a few days the cleaning lady of the house found her body in the backyard. No one told me how she died, they said it was an accident. I was sent to a foster home and after I was 20, I inherited the family property. I came back to this house as I had no where else to go. It wasn't until then I found a letter she wrote me before she died that I knew what actually had happened. " she took a deep breath before beginning again.

"Amara's husband lied to her, the witch hadn't cursed his or her bloodline ever. How could he do that, he loved her. But my grandfather feared that Amara might leave him for Dimitri, since he wasn't the father of the child, being infertile. Seeing Dimitri's pure love for her, he made up a lie about the curse, planted the silk on their doorstep, and killed Dimitri in cold blood, burying him alive in the walls of the cave. Dimitri was a powerful witch and before he was buried alive, he cursed that who ever stood above his body while he was buried would be cursed to pay for their sins" she said.
"After being cursed, his health depleated day by day, but he didn't bring that up, and to save himself from death, he made Amara do the sacrifice by planting the diary and everything.", she said.

"And that worked?", I asked.

"The curse shifted its form then, the priest did it, he drew its energy from Dimitri's body and shifted it to Amara's blood, which is why the curse now is the curse of her blood", she said.

"How do you know all this, and how can you be so sure?", Adam asked suspiciously.

"This", she pointed at the journal that was still lying on the table," is his journal, I found it when I came here, in the rooftop with other things, as was mentioned in Taniyah's, that is my mother's letter", she explained."And you are right, the one who gets the blood, gets the curse", she said looking at me answering the question I had asked earlier.

That is what left Adam and me shocked. There was silence in the room again for a few minutes, due to what we were just told.

"And your mother, what happened to her then?", I asked.

"The day my mother entered the cave she was cursed with the actual curse. It made my mother pay for her sins. My mother had nightmares, visions, hallucinations, of the man she had been unfaithful with. And when she couldn't handle the burden of her sins, she killed herself. My father was a Martyr, he lost his life in the war when I was 8. And since she couldn't redeem herself from her sins, she couldn't confess it, the curse did its job on her", she said sobbing."The curse falls on those impure souls who enter the cave, and it will make you pay for your sins", she said.

"You entered the cave but....", before I could continue, Adam interrupted,"She wasn't an impure soul, she had no burden of her sins, she was a 10 year old child Lue".

"He is right. The target, where Dimitri went wrong is, he had to curse the man who buried him, and did him wrong, but the cave became cursed when he couldn't close the doors of the curse just on them, and he died putting the curse on the cave." she said.

"So he accidentally cursed the cave" I said in a questioning tone trying to clear the thing here. And she nodded in despair.
"The curse wasn't met for Amara to suffer and that is probably the reason why the curse had now been on her blood, the blood of her blood", Athena said.

"So everything that happened with you and now is probably happening with us is because of a curse that went wrong", I said."Twice", Adam said,"It went wrong twice", he explained himself when I looked at him in the 'seriously' manner.

"The curse only makes you guilty of what you did, it make you pay for your sins, but in reality they are your sins, that you have to pay for", she said turning the tables on us now.

When we came out of the asylum, we weren't sure of what we just heard. I had the journal in my hand, and Adam and I were in a dilemma. It was already 7 in the evening, and it was getting dark. Adam looked at the screen of his phone and panicked."What?", I asked him.

"Ryan, he said he will meet us at the cave", he said.
"When did he text you?", I asked him panicked.
"Half an hour ago", he said.The two of us looked at each other and ran in the direction of the cave as fast as we could. Adam tried calling Ryan.
"Ryan, listen don't you dare enter that cave", he said out loud warning him.
"Ryan, hello ? can you listen to me? Ryan? Shit", he said on the phone and cut the call, as we ran towards the cave.

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