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We ran towards Carter's ward, and looking through the window we saw Olivia and Adam standing near his bed.
We looked at each other before moving inside.
Carter was conscious now, lying low, with all the hospital equipment still attached to him, on his arms and an collar on his neck. He had a few fractures but the doctors assured us he would be fine now.
As the doctors moved outside the room, Olivia excised herself so as to inform his parents about his improving health and that he was finally conscious now. Adam had tears in his eyes. And Ryan and I were relieved to see him open his eyes at us, while he tried to give us a low smile.
He had hurt his face as well, a few marks and cuts covered it. He had a broken arm and a broken leg, but now he was going to be okay.
Adam, and Ryan went outside the room to talk to the doctors and ask for any other complications that might occur while I stayed with him.
"You scared us", I said looking at him while my eyes became watery. He looked at me and whispered, "I'm sorry".
"You don't have to be", I said,"just please be careful, we can't lose you, none of us are that strong", I said as I took his left hand and gently cupped it.
Olivia entered the room, and looked at the hand that I had placed on Carter's hand. I wasn't sure what was she thinking, but it wasn't good.
"I've informed the others, they'll be here soon", she said coming in and sitting next to Carter's bed on the seat.
Adam and Ryan came in next, and after a few minutes Mrs. Johnson and Katana arrived. They talked to him softly while we waited outside the room.
All of us were the happiest now.
The uncertainty was over.
Carter was going to be fine.
Olivia excised herself to the ladies room and I followed. I knew she became upset on what she had just seen a few minutes ago, but that on my side was just a friendly gesture, as I had almost lost one of my best friends.
I entered the wash room only to look at Olivia staring in the mirror in front of her.
"Carter's fine", I said.
"He sure is", she said, trying to hold back her emotions.
"What is it that you want Lucy?", she said out of no where.
"What... uhhh do you mean?", I said to her.
"You know exactly what I mean, everyone exactly everyone loves you, I'm the cheerleader captain but you, you have people falling for you at your feet", she said hurtfully.
"Olivia .... I",I was interrupted by her again.
"Look at our own friends, they all think you are the most selfless one out there, always looking out for everyone", she said.
"My own boyfriend thinks of you so highly, he talks about you when we are sitting alone, praising you, your intelligence, your self less little pity acts", she said now hurtfully crying looking at her own fingers.
"Olivia", I tried to go closer to her, I wanted to tell her that she was so wrong.
"Don't Lucy please",
"Lucy you are my best friend and I can't envy you I know, okay, I shouldn't be envying you but I just can't do this now", she said before crying and rushing past me out of the room.
I was shocked.
What the hell was up with her?
I went back to Carter's room and saw everyone there except Olivia. I sat on the couch near Adam and before he would ask me anything I closed my eyes and laid back.
Adam and Ryan were taken out of the room for some reason that I didn't care to know.
Now only Carter and I were left in the room.
He was doing fine, his vitals were and he was still up.
"What is up with you?", Carter said lightly taking pauses in between the words indicating the pain he was feeling.
"Carter, Olivia thinks you have feelings for me", I stated without thinking of his situation at the moment.
Listening to this he actually turned his neck to face me with such force that he did just his neck which was in a collar for a reason, to avoid sudden jerks.
"Ouch", he said and I moved to his side.
"Are you okay?", I asked him.
"I'm fine, what did she say", he asked me in utter confusion.
I stayed silent.
"She is an idiot. You are like a sister to me, and I adore you as a friend", he said.
"Well just tell that yo her, I sure won't be able to convince her on this one", I said.
"Btw, what were you doing on the roof early in the morning?", I asked him since he seemed answerable now.
"Well I don't know",he stated.
"I don't know, I uhhh don't remember", he said.
I was going to asked him more but the door opened to reveal Mrs. Johnson and Katana. Adam and Ryan following them in the room.
"Well you kids will be going to school from tomorrow", Mrs Johnson stated.
We objected as we wanted to make sure Carter was fine.
"He is and will be, we'll be here and you can't miss out on studies so much, besides you'll have to make him cover his as well after a few weeks so", she said and we couldn't refuse. She seems better now, after seeing Carter getting well.
The door opened to reveal Olivia.
She stared at me for a few seconds before turning her glaze to Carter and going near him. I took that as a cue to leave and left the room.
Adam maybe saw the whole thing and followed me.
"Lue", he called out from a distance as I was walking fast.
"I don't want to talk about that lady right now", I said turning around to face in his direction.
"I'm not here for that, but yes that, we will talk about later", he said and I rolled my eyes on the last part of his statement.
"Why is Olivia all angry?"he asked.
"She thinks Carter likes me", I stated.
"She said that?"
"She said I am the one who gets people falling on my feet even though I'm not that good", I stated in amusement.
We laughed together.
"She will be fine", he stated.
"She will be but I don't know what to say to her", I said.
"It's Olivia, she gets her mood swinging day and night, it was probably on her mind and it's good she said it, at least you guys communicated", he said.
"That's true", I said.

The day went well, the doctor came to check on Carter a few times and told us he was doing fine.
I didn't talk to Olivia the whole day, I knew it would work. All she needed was some time. It isn't that I didn't feel bad of what she said, it's just I know she was upset and she would come around and when she does I'll make her apologise for even thinking anything like that.
But I do love her and let's keep it that way.
And I'll get her back as my best friend.
It was already 6 in the evening when we were still with Carter talking about things, when Katana asked me to talk to her outside the room.

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